Sunday, April 11, 2004

Hope everyone's Easter went well. Mine was the same as every year. Went to grandparents house for lunch (even though they still call it supper at noon). Chatted with the relatives for a while. My grandpa is looking a little better than the last time I saw him. He's become pretty depressed since they removed a portion of his lung and he's still in a lot of pain. I cut our visit a little shorter than usual this year though. I've been "partying" a little more than usual lately and it's drained my blood of iron. Plus, I didn't take it two days this week. Always makes me feel crappy. By partying, I basically mean, four or five of us, casually drinking and making fun of "scary" movies. The woman are always so dumb in those movies. Oh no, they're going to kill me, I should run to the most obvious place possible or the place that only has one entrance. Why don't the men in those movies ever do the stupid stuff? At any rate, I came home, took a motion sickness pill and took a nap. I felt a little better when I woke up but it was short lived. I haven't had my PaxilCR since Wednesday and it's starting to show big time. I've been quite the moody little girl the past few days. Oh well, I'll have some tomorrow and in a few days, I'll be feeling much better and be a much nicer person to boot.

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