Thursday, April 1, 2004

Just sittin'

Just got home not too long ago. Went to a friends house for a little while. DH got a new cell phone today to replace the crappy one he did have and now he's busy messing with it and making as much noise as is possible. We went to Hacienda tonight. I was so hungry. Usually, we get our chips and by the time supper comes, I'm full. Not tonight! I ate all of my wet burrito and a ton of chips.

I rearranged our bedroom today. The cats were a little curious. The entire time I'm trying to move funiture around, there's a cat investigating the new open space where I'm trying to put furniture! I swear, they know when they're being a pain! Ellie just hid in her corner because the vaccum scares her. It has never bothered my other birds. They just squawk at it. Ellie on the other hand has a birdie pannick attack. That bird now has my alarm down to a T. I wake up constantly, thinking it's time to get up, when really the sun hasn't even started to come up yet, it's just Ellie being bored. Really, nothing else happened today. We're going into clean house mode right now because DH's friend is coming home for a week from the army. Of course, that means we have to at least appear to always be presentable. LOL

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