Tuesday, April 20, 2004

More Bad News

Casey died at 2am last night (Sunday Night/Monday Morning). We've now lost three puppies in a weeks time. I've decided that the name Jane just doesn't fit the pup that I have and am calling her instead April. Kind of like a dedication to her siblings that have died this month. I haven't been sleeping real well during all of this. I wake up several times during the night. I keep worrying I'll wake up and find that April is sick. I just couldn't deal with it if she got sick and died as well. I've gotten so attached to her in such a short amount of time. She's not even my "type" of dog. I go for the herding groups and the smart dogs. This pup obviously has the brains of a rock and is definitely not from the herding group. She's so not what I was looking for in my next dog. I don't even like puppies!!! It'll be so hard if I have to give her back. I don't know what I'm going to do yet. If I beg to keep her, it'll cause a million problems with me and DH but if I don't, I still feel like it'll cause problems. I love her. I can't help that. She's so cute. When she first got here on Saturday, the tips of her ears would fold down but now her ears will only stand straight up. She looks like a bat! She's so funny looking that she's adorable. She has bat ears and a curly-q tail. Well, I'd better be going. My muscle relaxant is kicking in and soon I'll be misprinting things. Plus, if I don't get to bed now, I'll have to take another one to help me fall asleep later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am sooooo sorry to hear of the recent loss!  That Parvo is some nasty stuff!  April sounds like a wonderful name!  I hope she stays well.  lisa