Friday, April 30, 2004

Quiet Day

Not too much new going on. Animals are driving me a little crazy today. They just seem to be out to annoy me. Went down to Danny and Dina's tonight for a while. Danny got a bit of an attitude problem so I left with Micky and Joe. We drove around for a while but found nothing to do. Went to the gas station to get gas and talked to some friends of Joe and Micky's. Found out that those guys that were causing trouble the other night and out making up lies about what happened the other night sayins WE were trying to jump THEM. And that there was six of us, when in reality, there was only 2. DH has a much more level head when it comes to these things so I'm glad he's the only one that came in contact with any of them. I have a tendency to run my mouth when people have threatened me or my friends. I've very protective of the people I care about. Hopefully it'll all die down soon because Danny's moving this weekend. He lives right down the road from me right now but soon it'll be a 25 minute drive everytime I just want to hang out. Not like it's a long drive but it's not the same as just around the corner. I'll spend as much time with him as I can before he absolutely has to leave. Well, gotta get up early tomorrow, it's Friday and as most of you know by now, that's store day.

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