Tuesday, April 13, 2004

It's what again?

I am currently listening to the smallest little radio I think I've ever seen. I must really be getting behind the times or something. Me and my mom went to buy my brother some clothes for school today and two of the shirts he got, came with these tiny contraptions. I wasn't completely sure as to what they were, until we arrived home that is and I was told in the most adult-talking-to-two-year-old voice, that these were indeed small AM/FM radios. I kid you not, they're the size of a pager. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I really don't get out that much. LOL I'm just glad I can listen to the radio while DH sleeps... at least until the batteries on this thing die. Whilest out shopping for my brother. I picked up a few things for myself. Several very cute pairs of underwear. Most people that know me really well, know I'm accessory freak. At any one point and time, I can easily obtain well over 20 pairs of underwear. I know, nobody is going to see them, so what's the point? I really don't have an answer. I also got a very cute little purse. It's got a cat (go figure) on it and is beaded. Bought at Target for less than 15 bucks. I also got a pair of really cute flip flops, also Target, under 8 bucks. You can bet I was excited. LOL After all that, me and DH went out and rented several movies; The House of Sand And Fog, My Boss' Daughter, Mona Lisa Smile, Matchstick Men. We watched the House of Sand And Fog tonight. It was a good movie, just a little on the weird side. Watched Gothika last night. That is a crazy, messed up movie. Don't watch it alone!  LOL

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