Monday, January 19, 2004

5 Budgie's, 4 calling birds, 3 french hens, etc.

I've been searching for some budgie's (parakeets and yes they're the same thing) that need to be re-homed.  I strongly believe that my cockatiel needs some kind of friend, even if the cages are just next to eachother.  I was looking  for two if possibly, well it looks like I'm getting  five.  DH isn't real thrilled but tough.  He knew I was animal crazy when he got with me, now he has to deal with it.  If the budgie's don't please Mr.Charlie cockatiel, then I guess I'll try another tiel.  It doesn't matter to me.  I love birds, the more the merrier.  I think DH is getting a little worried though.  Since the beginning of this month, my flock has grown by 6.  =)  My days are a constantly devoted to animals, either my own or rescue's.  Feed and water everyone in the morning, open the bird cages, get fresh veggies cut for birds, let dogs out to potty, clean up all possible animal "accidents," take senegal parrot out for a bit, let dogs out again, night feeding and watering, give birds more veggies, let dogs out again,  and finally (usually) clean out all litter boxes! (there's four litter boxes) I'll give you a quick rundown of how many animals I personally care for at my home.  We have 5 dogs, two of which are my own, 10 cats, two of which are fosters, 2 spoiled mini rex rabbits, 1 cockatiel, and a senegal parrot(soon five budgies!).  These are the animals that I do not directly care for, 3 horses (2 arab/mustang and a morgan), 1 pygmy goat, 3 more cats, a pigeon, and a dwarf rabbit.  Shew!!!

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