Monday, January 26, 2004

Almost done... sigh

Well, we've almost finished moving around this room.  Things like this always take longer than you want them to that's for sure.  The cats seem to like it better this way and so do the dogs.  Everyone is sprawled out on the floor and in their kitty houses.  If only they knew how long it takes to pick up everything they scratch or chew up.  That's me though, here to tend to their every whim, even when it's destroying everything within reach.

Ellie bird has been working on her singing lately.  She's doing her whistles very good.  I had her in her day cage yesterday and she started scratching on the floor of it like a cat.  The bottom of that cage doesn't have a grate on it so she can actually sit on the floor of her cage.  She's succeeded in tearing up the newspaper on the floor of it.  I don't know what brought that on.  She's been trying to do the same in her bedroom cage but there's a grate on that one.  haha That's one tricksy human.  (yeah, I'm a LOTR freak) Well, I've got the usual chores left to do still today and then some.  Kitty litter, bird cages, bunny cages... *sigh*

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