Saturday, January 24, 2004


Ok, I'm having a little bit of a crazy insane lady moment.  Please won't someone tell me how in the hell I get rid of these little annoying, nasty fruit flies?????  Please, I'm going out of my mind here.  Oh but there's a catch.  I have two birds in said room where said stupid flying rodents are and birds are extremely sensitive so it has to be something bird safe.  I hate these bugs.  I can deal with regular flies, they have a tendency to sit on my monitor and are very easily murdered.  I dislike killing these very much but bugs such as flies (ANY kind of fly), mosquitos, ticks and anyother nasty little blood sucking, vomiting, and just plain annoying insects.  I do not however kill spiders.  I pick them up, yes in my hands and yes I am a girly girl but spiders don't bother me, and then I place them outside, IF it's warm enough, if not I just put them in someone else's part of the house.  *Big Grin* Hope mom's not reading this right now.  she's deathly afraid of spiders and acts like the smallest house spider is actually a black widow in disguise.  Ok, not gonna write anymore tonight, I promise.  Ok, so I have a tendency to break my promises.  Tough.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

could it possibly be that you are feeding the birds something that is attracting the flies?