Thursday, January 22, 2004

Cold, Cold, Cold

It is getting a wee bit chilly outside right now.  The wind chill right now is -5.  The wind chills for the rest of the day are supposed to be between -10 and -20.  I'd say that's pretty chilly.  I have one outdoor cat that I brought in for the day.  He's become more of an indoor cat this winter than an outdoor though.  When it gets really cold out, we tend to force him to come inside and this winter it's been more than really cold at times.  We've got the heat lamps going in the barn and the horses locked up in their stalls.  I told my brother that he could stay home from school today if he wanted to because the snow is starting to drift pretty badly.  I think he's going to go anyways though.  At his age, I would've killed to be given permission to skip school.  He'd rather see his girlfriend than stay home I guess.  He actually needs to use the phone so I'm gonna write back a little later.  Hope you're warm.

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