Sunday, January 11, 2004

Love to Cry

Have you ever loved someone so much it made you cry?  I have a "foster" cat here that does that to me.  He knows just the right things to do at the right time.  If I'm feeling sad he licks my nose until I start laughing and if I don't start laughing, he bites my nose and then of course I start laughing.  I'm so glad he found me.  He's a wonderful friend.  That's him above.  My little Lueka.  Lueka means to shine. 

I let alllllll of the cats out to play throughout the house today.  Let me tell you, it was chaos!  There were cats everywhere!  I personally own seven cats and have three fosters.  They had a blast!!!!  It was so much fun to watch them meet eachother and run up and down the stairs.  One of my personal cats was being a little antisocial, poor guy, hid behind the guest bed the whole time.  I say "guest" bed but I never have any guests.  They know ahead of time that if they stay here, they stay in the cat room so they usually make other arrangements.  *grin* I'll someday be known as the crazy old lady down the road with all the cats.  I'll sit on my front porch with my cane and shake it at little children as they walk past my front door.  I'll talk to my cats, even when they're not around.  And I'll probably be the happiest crazy old cat lady around.

I'm going to give you all something to do for me today: Act like a child, even if it's only for one minute.  Be silly.  Dance in the rain.  Sing in the snow.  Most of all, laugh.  A little laughter can do a world of good.

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