Wednesday, January 28, 2004

Snowing, snowing, snowing

We've gotten a ton of snow in the last 24 hours.  It's up past my knees as of a few hours ago, although it has continued to snow quite steadily since then.  Of course, I was the one who went out and shoveled in the freezing cold and snow.  I want to strap little shovels to all my dogs and let them run around the front yard.  Wouldn't that be a sight?  haha  There definitely wouldn't be any straight lines that's for sure!

I'm getting more and more annoyed everyday with certain people.  Do you ever feel like someone is mad at you but they don't actually have the nerve to tell you?  Maybe if those people actually told you what was wrong and what you did, you could explain yourself or fix it in someway.  Although, in this instance, I don't think I'm the person in the wrong, I see nothing that I could've done.  If anything I should be mad at said person and not the other way around.  My mom always tells me, you can never really know a person and it takes a long time to really get to know someone.  I understand that, you put on a facade for people when you first meet them, hoping they'll like you but that doesn't mean you should change your whole persona.  Deep down, you should still be you because, in the end, we may not like the real you and you've just wasted both of our time.  And then again, we may have liked you the way you were, if you had just been yourself from the beginning.  All and all, I'd rather waste my time with someone who actually deserves it and not with the person who lies to my face and then gossips about me the minute I leave the room.


Anonymous said...

I really love reading your Journal. It makes me want to get a Cat. I have three little girls and a back yard...Why not? Anyway I cant wait to read your next entry...Thanks. God Bless. Elahi03.

Anonymous said...

Yes, cats are wonderful animals! Especially if you don't mind being ignored when you call them and then overwhelmed by them when you'd rather they ignore you. LOL Just don't declaw, it's not nice. ;)