Thursday, January 29, 2004

Silly Senegal

I think I must have the most neurotic senegal parrot out there.  Everyday she finds a new way to make me go, now what are you doing?  First, she would sleep upside down.  Yes, I mean, hanging from the top of her cage, completely upside down and asleep.  Then she started playing with her toys.  Sounds normal enough, right?  Yeah, not with this bird.  She lays in her food dish on her back and then plays with her toys with her feet.  Ok, so she's just lazy you say?  The other day, she began to go to the bottom of her cage.  I try to discourage this because of the icky's that she leaves during the day.  Well, she has started to scratch on the side of her cage with one of her feet.  She grabs the bars with her beak and holds on with one foot while she scratches... over and over and over again.  Makes you want to rip her little feathers out.  There's really not a good way to discipline a bird, so you just have to wait them out, and wait and then wait some more.  Owning a bird can be quite frustrating so I hope people will think a little harder before they buy one. 

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