Saturday, January 31, 2004

5 Budgies!!!

Tomorrow I may be getting my budgies!  I'm so nervous!  I've cleaned the bird cages a thousand times and still I feel like they don't look right.  I'm agonizing over every little dumb thing.  I just don't want her to show up and for some reason, not find me a suitable parront.  =) I'm supposed to go to the shelter tomorrow.  We're having a busy adoption day, two guinea pigs, two goats and I swear there was something else getting adopted... maybe it was the rat.  Anyway, since I don't know what time she wants to do this tomorrow, I don't know when or if I'll be able to make it up there.  The first couple of days, I'm just going to let them relax and get used to being around us before I start training.  Training isn't fun for the bird or the trainer.  I have many a bloody fingers from today while training my cockatiel.  It's worth it in the end though, for both the bird and the owner. 

I only got about two hours of sleep last night.  I'm surprised I lasted the whole day without taking a nap.  Thankfully, there was a lot of stuff that needed to be done today.  Friday's are always busy days.  Lots of animal food to go buy every Friday.  And I had to clean out the budgie cages.  They were covered in dust.  I haven't had a budgie in years and had neglected the cages in that time. 

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