Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Just classes

Sorry, it's been a while since I wrote last.  Went to orientation on Saturday for three hours.  That went fine, boring but fine.  Had to go in today too for basically the same thing.  My last class is on Thursday and then I can actually start working.  I go in early on Thursday to get my schedule for the bakery.  I really hope they don't train me on first shift.  I don't DO first shift.  I sleep during "first" shift.  I'm still trying to figure out when exactly I want to sleep.  I go in from 3am till 11am.  I can either sleep right after I get off work or I can stay up for a few hours and go to sleep around 7pm and get up at 2am to go to work.  No matter what though, my days off and weekends are going to screw up my sleep schedule.  The hours that I would be sleeping are the hours that people actually do things.  It's gonna take a while for me to find my sleep.  Went to the shelter right after classes today.  I'm not going in tomorrow (wednesday) so I did the cat cages today.  Really not much new at the shelter.  Which is a good thing I suppose.  A no news is good news thing.  I can't wait for the olympics to start.  I'm such a dork.  It doesn't matter if it's the winter or the summer, I always watch it.  My animals are all the same.  Lueka is still pooping everywhere and is still in his cage.  I had to let the foster cats out of their cages due to a flea infestation.  They must be really bad this year or something because I don't remember us having that many last year.  Nasty little bugs.  The cats are enjoying their freedom.  Claireese has taken to following me throughout the house at night.  I have to be extremely careful walking down the steps or I might step on her.  Well, I'm going to try and get some sleep. 

Thursday, June 24, 2004

Long week

Sorry I haven't written much in the last week.  I stayed up for 37 hours after that last journal entry.  I just didn't want to go to sleep for whatever reason.  Me and my ex (Shawn) have decided to try the dating thing and see where it goes.  We were together for five years and we obviously still love eachother.  I just hope we can make it work this time.  The last thing I want to do is hurt him again.  Really, other than that, there's not much new.  Watched a few new movies.  "Monster" with Charlize Theron, it was a interesting movie.  I'm still not sure how much I liked it.  I would reccomend seeing it though.  "50 first dates" with Adam Sandler, was an awesome movie.  I really think it's one of his best movies so far.  It was just a really good movie. 

Went to work yesterday.  Did cat cages.  We found a goat had died at some point and time during the day.  It was definitely bloat.  The goat he came in with was looking the same way so we gave him some medicine and made him walk a bit.  One of our horses, Buck who is 29, had a bloody nose yesterday as well.  We're not sure how bad a sign that is yet.  Well, that's really about it.  I'll try and keep up on this a little more than I have.  Shawn's been over a lot and I've actually been sleeping for once. 

Saturday, June 19, 2004

No sleep

I can't sleep tonight.  I just start to think and then I start to cry so what's the point.  I keep writing poem after poem, hoping that some how it'll help but so far all it's done is make me more upset.  I've got plenty of paxil to last me till my first paycheck and yet it doesn't seem to be helping at all.  I think I like the regular paxil better than the paxilCR.  But probably for the wrong reasons.  It seems to make me feel happy even if I'm not, whereas the regular paxil makes me a "normal" person.  I'm worried I'm going to start work and just break down crying.  Lucky for me, the first few hours a day, no one else will be there.  Or maybe it'd be better if someone else was there.  Keep my mind off things better.  I don't even know anymore.  I feel like the most confused person in the world.  Something happened to my brain and I just stopped knowing what I wanted or why I want it.  I'm afraid to make any decisions at all because I don't know if they're the right ones anymore.  I can't wait till I have some money.  I'm definitely going out to the bar.  And I'm definitely getting trashed so someone else better be driving... hint hint Jenn and Nancy.  ;) See this is why I put off going to bed till I can't put it off any longer.  When I go to go to sleep all I can do is think.  I take sleeping pills and believe it or not, they actually make it harder for me to fall asleep.  I get to the sleeping part but then immediately wake up again, only to spend another half hour falling asleep and repeat the process.  I wish it was still dark out right now, I'd go for a walk with the dogs.  I'm sitting here thinking, if I could do anything, be anywhere, with anyone, what would I do and I have no idea.  I can't even think of anything that sounds right anymore.  See this is one of those journal entries you keep private but I don't have a regular journal thing at home and it wouldn't matter if I did, I prefer to type.  I thought once things got better, I got my license, a job and whatnot, that I'd start to feel a little better, emotionally but so far that hasn't happened.  I still feel like I'm going out of my mind, if that makes any sense at all.  I try and think there's a reason for everything but it's hard to believe in that sometimes.   And harder still to understand what those reasons are.  Well, I'm going to try sleeping again.  The more I write the more upset I get.  I thought writing stuff down might help but I guess not.  Hope everyone else has a good Saturday and for most of us, we have some pretty nice damn weather too so I suppose go out and enjoy it before it gets humid as hell out again.

Friday, June 18, 2004

Just another day

Today is the day of the Meijer interview.  I wish it was any other day.  Today I just feel like climbing into bed and not leaving for a week.  Been thinking a lot about my ex, Shawn.  Some days are harder than others and today is one of those days.  I don't really want to write about it though because then I think about it and then I just get upset.  Today is just not the day to sit around balling.  I'll let ya'll know how the interview goes when I get back, if I don't go straight to sleep.


Sorry, I passed out shortly after I got home.  Well, I got the job and I start next Saturday, the 26th.  I have classes for the first five days, which go from 8am till 12pm.  After that, I work in the bakery from 3am till 11am.  I'll be making the donuts for the entire day, which is why I have to get there so early.  Those are almost the exact hours I was looking for ~ 2am till 10am is what I originally wanted.  I need to get to the license branch THIS week so I can get my license.  I could've gotten it on Tuesday but I'm blonde and forgot until it was too late to go.  LOL  Well, I'm gonna go get something to eat.  Thanks for all the encouragement from everyone.

Thursday, June 17, 2004

Work, Sleep

Nothing much new, as usual.  Went into work today.  Cleaned litter boxes and cat cages.  Fed and watered the rabbits, guinea pigs and birds.  Really nothing exciting I guess happened today.  We got in a gorgeous Arabian gelding last week.  His name is Flash.  He's a beautiful horse.  Has that perfect Arabian face.  I came home ate a little bit and then passed out till about 1am, when my mom got home.  Then I talked on the phone for a few hours and now I'm here.  Like I said, nothing new.  Just checked on Lueka and he's still the same.  I have to do my own litter boxes tonight still.  Thankfully, I cleaned Lueka's cage last night so that's one less thing I have to do.  The girls (fosters) need food and water and so do my own cats.  I was planning on doing all that earlier but fell asleep.  Well, I'm gonna go do all that stuff and then I'm gonna try and get some sleep.  I didn't fall asleep last night until well after 9am.  Just couldn't get comfortable.  I got up at 12:30 to get ready to go into work.  Working first shift is going to kill me.  I'm definitely going to be a walking zombie. 

Tuesday, June 15, 2004


Just a real quick update, I'll write more later today.  I have an interview at Meijer on Friday at 2pm for the bakery department.  Unfortunately, that means it'll be first shift.  Now I'm desperately in need of a way to and from.  Really makes you feel like a child when you have no transportation.  Alright, that's all for now.


Nothing much has changed since earlier.  Talked on the phone for a while.  Cleaned up my room so it's halfway decent.  I went to take care of Lueka's cage and he's not getting any better now that he's on the science diet stuff.  It says you have to wait two weeks but I really don't think it's going to help him.  He just seems to be getting worse if anything.  I hope I get this job.  I'll be taking him to the vet asap.  I hate leaving him in that cage.  He looks miserable.  I'd hate me if I was him.  He already feels like shit and now he's in this little cage with nothing better to do than eat, and sleep.  Poor boy.  Well, I'm gonna try and get some sleep before I have to get up for work.

Well, good news for once.  I got a call back today!!!  Unfortunately, I wasn't here to take the call, she left a message with my brother.  I called Meijer for her three different times and each time was put on hold, only to stay on hold.  I'm gonna try again tomorrow, of course.  I think they wanted first shift but I think I can talk them into third, if I promise to go on first as soon as I can.  That will SUCK.  I don't do mornings.  I put on the app that I wouldn't take less than 6 an hour and 40 hours a week.  I'm "wall papering" my room tonight.  I can't stand to look at these bare walls anymore so I'm cutting out pictures and words to put on my walls.  Angelina Jolie is taking up most of the room so far.  I'd like to think that there's pictures of me all over her walls.  haha  Well, that's all for right now.  I might write again before I lay down.

Monday, June 14, 2004


I'm watching a really good movie right now.  It's called "Big Fish."  It's a little eccentric but a nice story nonetheless.  If you've seen "Secondhand Lions" and liked it,  you'll enjoy this movie.  I've been watching a lot of movies lately.  Watched Shrek 2 yesterday.  That was really funny too.  It was a bootleg so it wasn't perfect, color and picture wise but it was a pretty good boot.  It keeps my mind off of things to watch movies.  Been reading a lot too.  Been doing very little in the way of sleeping.  Getting four hours here, five hours there.  I feel tired but nothing ever comes of it.  I just lay here and wait most nights.  Today I gave the foster cats and Libby all a bath.  Cats could be easier to wash, that's for sure.  It wasn't too terrible though.  Could always go over worse.  The gerbil got loose in my brothers room.  This is like the third time she's gotten out of her cage.  It took some time and a great deal of patience but eventually I won.  She enjoyed her small bit of freedom though.  There's plenty of places for a gerbil to play in a boy's room.  Even more places to hide, let me tell you.  It was all a game to her.  She'd sit in the middle of the room and as soon as I even blinked, she'd run and hide again.  I eventually caught her in his closet.  It was more luck than anything else.  I'm fairly set on cat food for at least a little while.  My grandma came back from my aunt's house and she had sent a bag of food with her.  You don't always realize what a great family you have but when you need them to be there, they are.  I don't speak to my dad's side of the family but my mom's side is all I need.  They really are a blessing.  Well, I'm going to go lay down and wait to see if I'll fall asleep or not tonight.  Last night I just gave up and went downstairs.  Watched the end of Pirates of the Carribean and fell asleep sometime around 10am, only to get back up at 1pm. 

~Treat Everyday Like It's Thanksgiving and Be Thankful For What You Already Have~

Saturday, June 12, 2004


I have to be a robot.  No other human could possibly sleep the way I do and survive, at least not as peppy as I am.  Ok, so I'm not peppy.  On Thursday night, I didn't even go to sleep till after 3PM.  It was store day and when I got to about 8am, I just knew there was no point in trying to sleep.  I got about four hours of sleep that afternoon.  So I figured, I would NEVER be able to fall asleep last night.  I go up to my bedroom around 2am.  Now we'd been having storms for quite some time by then, rain, loud thunder, the whole deal.  I get upstairs to try and get online and I'm having major problems signing on and staying on.  Probably from some power outage somewhere.  So after about the 80th time I try and get online, I say screw it.  I had no intentions of going to sleep.  I just wanted to lay down and listen to the storms.  I even remember thinking, wouldn't it be funny if I feel asleep right now.  As in haha, never gonna happen.  Yeah well, it did.  I woke up this morning and because my power had went out so many times, I had no idea what time it was.  I get out of bed thinking it's the afternoon right?  No it's 8 o'clock in the morning.  8AM!  I think I'm gonna go back upstairs and lay in bed, maybe I'll fall back to sleep, maybe I won't.  Yeah, yeah, I know you're thinking, you should just stay awake and then go to sleep "early" tonight. (yeah like 3am is EARLY to most people) Well, you've never been sround me when I've not gotten enough sleep or gotten up to early.  I have a shirt that says cranky on it and that's definitely not what it should say on those days, more like bitchy.  Later everyone!!

Friday, June 11, 2004

Where's my Motivation??

Today was about the same as yesterday, mood wise.  I cried during that '70's show.  Yeah, I was sitting there thinking, what in god's name is wrong with you woman?  this show is supposed to be funny, remember, it's a comedy.  I took a long shower and balled all through it.  I wasn't even thinking about anything, I just started crying.  Must be lack of drugs.  I took my very last one tonight.  It should help with my mood for a few short days at least a little bit.  I have to have the best mommy in the world.  She read my journal yesterday... see that's her comment down there on yesterday's.*big grin* Tonight she came in the house and asked me to help her bring some stuff in for her.  Turns out, she went and bought me dog food, cat food, kitty litter and parakeet food.  See, mom, I know I have the best mummy in the world.  After that I apparently got some motivation because after eating and then eating some more, I started on the litter boxes.  I then cleaned up my room as best as I could without waking the whole house up.  Maybe I'll get a little more done tomorrow.  Poor Lueka.  I feel so bad now.  He had a HUGE accident all over my room.  I decided that I'd had enough and put him in a foster cage.  *sigh*  I just don't feel like I have anyother choice.  I mean, granted, I could live in a disgusting room and come up here everyday holding my breath, hoping against hope that he made it to the litter box for once.  But right now I just can't take that.  He's currently in the other room meowing with the foster cats, wondering what he could've done to be put in this tiny room.  Well, I'm off to watch "Along Came Polly."  My mom bought it for my brother and said I could watch it tonight.  Woohoo... oh lord, it's a comedy, I might end up balling all night.  haha  G'Night


Well, I've come to the conclusion that I will not be sleeping tonight.  I have to go to the store in less than two hours so I figured, what's the point in laying there tossing and turning and being miserable when I can just be online and play computer games.  Yeah, I'm a little addicted to  It's my online home.  LOL  ~Lila~ I have no idea what could be wrong with him.  I thought, maybe worms but I've wormed him for everything ten times over now so unless they're a super breed of worms, then it's not that.  There are some cats out there that just have sensitive stomachs, especially to the regular brand foods.  When I get some money I might try him on some of that science diet stuff that costs more than a new house.  LOL  Well, slingo is calling me to come play so I'm off.  I'll put another very sleep deprived entry on here later I'm sure.  LOL

Thursday, June 10, 2004


Ok, I'm have a terrible, no good, very bad day.  I just got done balling for like two hours.  Just one of those days I guess.  I don't know if it's stress or lack of Paxil.  I finally get done crying and all I want to do is watch a movie.  I find every movie in the damned house except for the on I was looking for, "Under the Tuscan Sun."  So I'm watching 'Gone in 60 Seconds' instead.  I'm just so woe is me right now.  I just need a little bit of help.  Just enough to get me going.  My grandma offered to have my car fixed but I just hate taking anymore money from her.  I might just have to though.  It seems I don't have much choice.  But then, I have to get the title, insurance, plates.  The list just goes on and on.  I had to wash my blanket again tonight because of Lueka.  I hate to do this but I'm really thinking of putting him in a cat cage for a while.  Till I can figure something else out.  It's just so damned unfair.  My brother, who's 16, has no job, no bills, nothing to worry about and yet he has a working vehicle and insurance.  Both of which my dad is paying for as long as my dad does some work around his house.  Now, I went to my dad for help and he basically said life sucks tough shit.  On top of everything, I feel like I'm getting sick with something.  I've got the itchy throat going on and a higher than normal temp.  Just lovely.  My room smells to high hell because I don't have much litter left.  I've got twenty bucks to my name.  I have to decided to buy two things, but I have three things that I'm in desperate need of.  I can get cat food, dog food or kitty litter.  Only two of them though.  I can starve someone and have a normal smelling room or they can all be fed and my room can continue stinking.  And I if I even were to get kitty litter, a 35lb. tub only lasts two weeks if that.  I just feel like the world is piling up on me and there's nothing I can do about it.  I can't seem to stop balling.  Most of this has to be from not having my Paxil.  I got a little lecture today from Tam about stopping cold turkey.  Sorry but I don't have much of a choice other than to quit taking the pills.  If I were out on my own right now, I would be living in a homeless shelter, I definitely don't have the money for anti-depressants, which in and of itself is depressing.  Ironic huh?  I came home from work toay and passed out for like five hours.  I only got three hours before I was back up for work this morning.  I woke up feeling like I'd slept too long and had a headache.  OH, forgot, we got a notice from lovely AOhell the other day that my screen name was once again being used by someone else to send IM's.  We get it fixed and I come home from work today, AFTER changing my password for the THIRD time and someone has once again stolen my password and has once again gotten me TOSed.  Lovely, if this keeps up I'll end up losing aol too.  And do you think they've been of ANY help.  Let's see, in a word, no.  They tell me to change my password.  Well no shit sherlock, I've done that time and time again.  Mom gets home tonight and I'm online.  She went out to feed the horses and comes in telling me to come outside right away.  I'm a little pissed, thinking they escaped once again.  Well that's sort of true.  Danny somehow or another got caught in the fence between the paddock and the dog yard.  Looked like she'd been there for a long time too.  Mom eventually gets her untangled and in the barn and she's a little gimpy.  I really think it was just from standing in the same spot, unable to move for all that time.  I mean, I would be a little stiff if I had to stand like that for a couple of hours.  She ate a circle around herself though.  LOL  That's why I figure she'd been out there for a while.  Well, I'm gonna go try not to think at all.  Hope everyone else is doing better than I am right now.  Enjoy the warm weather all, who knows when it'll be cold out again.

Wednesday, June 9, 2004

Crap ~ Just crap

I'm having another one of those days where I spend the day panicing about money.  I look at the cat food and I can see the bottom of the container already.  Parakeets seem to always be low on food.  Dogs have till the weekend and they too will be out.  The only animals I have that are set for a while are Ellie, the senegal parrot and Charlie the cockatiel.  I'm feeding the cats at certain times of the day, hoping that will cut down on un-needed eating.  I'm not starving them, hell they all needed to go on a diet anyways.  Lueka is still having an icky stomach all over my room.  I'm thinking of caging him for a while.  I just can't take washing my blankets every single day.  And then of course there's the worry, what if he gets on ME in the middle of the night and has an accident.  Sorry Lueka but momma doesn't deal well with that.  Kitty litter is very near gone.  I'm gonna have to go to the really cheap stuff for a while I think.  The bunnies need food soon too.  Like in the next couple of days soon.  Yes, I'd say it's about time to start panicing again, wouldn't you?  I have a few things I could pawn if I really really need to.  I would prefer not to do that but you gotta do what you gotta do.  I might get a hundred out of it all.  I really need one of these damned places to call me back.  When I didn't want a job, I had offers everywhere and now that I'm in desperate need of a job, there' s none to be found.  In a word I am... well we can't use that word on good ole AOL but it starts with an F and ends in an ED, you'll have to fill in the middle for yourself.  Ryhmes with pucked.  LOL

Go to work tomorrow.  Seems they've been having troubles too.  We were out of kitty litter for a while and just got some today so I'll be cleaning out litter boxes and changing cages.  As long as no one decides to escape, we'll have a good day.  I might even escape without any cuts, bites or bruises.  And hopefully nothing broken, although there is a first for everything.  Well, I'm gonna try and fake sleep now. 

::6:: Ok, so obviously I'm still awake.  You're thinking, must be because she couldn't stop thinking about money problems right?  Well, no you'd be wrong there.  At some point and time between last night and now, my room has become infested with every kind of bug you can imagine.  You know those big red flying bugs that look like giant mosquito's?  Yeah, had one of those in here tonight.  Now, I've read their harmless but forgive me for thinking they have to be the creepiest looking harmless bug possible... so I killed him.  I read for a little while.  I finally lay down to sleep and I feel something crawling on my leg.  Ok, no big deal.  It's a very small ant.  Weird, I don't usually have ants on the second floor in my bedroom that has nothing for them to eat.  Whatever, he probably just got lost, right?  Well, I'm starting to doubt that theory.  Considering his little ant friend was on my leg not ten minutes later.  Now I'm thinking the couch is sounding rather nice.  Tomorrow I'm gonna have to look into some fogger or a nuke, one of the two.  I don't mind bugs.  I really don't.  Until they end up in my bedroom that is.  That's where we start to have problems.  Don't go in my bedroom and don't get on my food and I won't kill you, I promise.  I also shoved some more Immodium AD down Lueka's throat.  Got him to eat a small amount of yogurt, yet the cat continues to be sick.  I swear he could eat nothing but immodium and it wouldn't make a difference.  As soon as I get some money, that cat is going to the vet, otherwise I just might kill him.  Ok, so I'm a little on the grouchy side this morning.  Can you blame me?  I have to be up for work in less than 6 hours and I'm no where near the point of sleeping.  Ah well, till tonight... or maybe in an hour... LOL

Monday, June 7, 2004

Gettin ready for summer

Again, not a whole lot exciting going on around here.  Put in a few more applications.  I got a tv from my grandma so I'm no longer watching tv on a five inch screen.  That's always a bonus.  Had to put the ole air conditioner in tonight.  Suppose to be pretty warm here in Indiana for the next, well the rest of the summer I suppose.  Gave Lueka some liquid Immodium today.  Yeah, I can tell you he really enjoyed mom yanking his mouth open and squirting cherry mint flavored crap down his throat.  My brother's dog liked the taste of it though.  He'd eat anything.  Got a lot of around the house stuff to do tonight.  Animals need cage changes, litter changes and food.  Of course I'll put it off till the last minute.  Me, my mom and my brother went out to eat at Steak N Shake tonight.  Now the only way we could go is if 'we weren't at eachother's throats.'  I was a grouch today without my Paxil.  We got to steaknshake and ended up having a blast.  I'm sure the neighboring tables just loved me and my brother.  I'm sure we were a little on the loud side.  They'll live though.  We had a really good time and I don't care what people thought.  I told ya'll my iron was screwing with me lately.  Yeah well, I was taking more than my body needed and it made me think I wasn't getting enough.  I read up on it and found out that if you take too much, you get the same symptoms as if you hadn't taken any.  I'm gonna skip two nights at a time for awhile and see how that goes.  Just a matter of getting my dosage normal again.  I wish I could get a hold of someone to go to the bar's with this weekend.  I don't think Allie's going out with the girl's this weekend and all my other friends are underage.  Ah well, I'll get over it eventually.  I hate the notre dame scene but there's a bar in South Bend called Corby's that I'd like to go to.  I can't believe I'm saying that because a year ago I would've rather ate bugs but things change.  Well, I'm off to bed.

Saturday, June 5, 2004

Bored, Boring

Another boring day has come and gone.  I slept most of the day because my head wouldn't quite spinning.  I keep taking my iron and yet it feels like I haven't taken it in weeks.  I'm gonna need to get back to the doctor for a blood test shortly after I get to working.  I went for my usual walks with the dogs today.  I know not worry anymore about strange people being out, since I only walk between the hours of dark and darker.  Both my dogs went nuts when they saw people walking down the road.  It was all I could do to keep a hold of Mia.  Good dogs.  She decided to stop in the middle of the road today and poop.  Silly pup.  Well, I guess this is gonna be a short entry because I really have nothing to write about and rather than go on and on and on and on and on about nothing and bore the hell out of you all, I'm just going to go to bed.  ;)

Friday, June 4, 2004


Tonight I decided to wait till later to write on here.  I took a sleeping pill about an hour ago so I shouldn't be up too much longer.  I wasn't able to get out of bed till after 4pm today.  I hate when I get up that early.  I told my mom to wake me up for lunch tomorrow so maybe I won't sleep all day.  Lueka is still a very stinky sick kitty.  Tomorrow I'm going to try and get some Immodium AD, liquid and force some it down his throat.  I've had enough with constantly washing my blankets.  Went to Petsmart and Petco with my mom today.  We were (I was) bored and looking for something to do.  My mom seems to be in love with Cockatoo's.  It always breaks my heart to see them kept in captivity.  They don't do well as "pets."  Most of them end up feather plucking, screaming and homeless because people are unaware of just how much time and attention they really do require.  Did the store thing tonight since my mom wasn't able to go into work.  I was soooo hungry while we were there.  Note to self :: no more store when my stomach is calling.  I would've grabbed everything there just to sample it if we were rich.  LOL Talked mummy into going to Pizza Hut afterwards.  She says I'm spoiled.  I say I'm just well loved. ; ) Went for my nightly walk.  Went pretty well tonight.  Turns out the noise in the bushes from last night was just the neighborhood dog, Buddy.  That's a relief.  Still no calls for the job hunting thing.  It's only been a few days so I'm trying not to get discouraged.  My mom laughed her head off today when she saw my cat Isaiah fully shaved.  He doesn't find it funny.  Well, I'm going to go lay down and read some.  My head is spinning from my iron problems, even though I'm taking my iron supplements every day.  It's probably a loss of blood to all the bruises I've gotten in the last 24 hours.  LOL  I've been a huge cluts these last two days.  Not two hours ago, I fell backwards off the computer chair.  Yeah, laugh it up... 

Wednesday, June 2, 2004

Workin Girl

Went into work today.  I am tired.  I wouldn't be so tired if it wasn't for this feral cat we have.  At some point and time, two of the cats had gotten loose.  All the rescue cats and dogs are being kept in the garage for the summer.  Well, the one side is nice and clean but the other side has stuff, boxes and just mscl. stuff you acquire over the years.  Anyways, the cats got loose and being the cat person that I am, vowed to catch them both before the night was over.  The first cat was fairly easy, the first time I saw her, I caught her.  Only suffered minor scratches.  The other cat however is NOT a nice cat.  I caught him once but had to let him go because the only way to get him out of the tight space was to bring him towards my face.  Yeah, not gonna happen.  You ever hold a feral cat by the scruff of the neck?  Yeah, not a fun time.  I spent the next two hours on and off chasing this cat around the garage.  I swear he was teasing me and then laughing at me while the stupid human ran around looking like an idiot, when the whole time he'd been sitting right there.  I got a hold of him two more times but both times he escaped.  I was forced to give up when it was time to eat.  LOL They took me out to Applebee's for dinner.  Yum. We had a really good time up there too.  Just laughing and joking.  I came home and told my day to my mom.  After a little while of relaxing I took the dogs for their nightly walk.  Mia was worse than usual on the leash tonight.  She must have had some left over energy from not having to deal with the puppy all day.  She tried to chase anything and everything, dogs, rabbits, cars, you name it.  My arms are still shaky from holding onto her.  Seems like everyday that mile gets longer and longer.  So now I'm thinking, I'll come home, get on the computer and then get ready for bed.  Yeah, things don't always go the way you think they're going to around here.  I come upstairs to my bedroom and turn on the light... dum dum dum... one of my cats, Lueka has had a terrible horrible disgusting accident allllll over my bed.  I can't be mad at him because it was obvious he tried to run to the cat box, just didn't make it off my bed in time.  Now, I have to carry the blankets to the washer.  Ok, I was aware of the nasty little spider in my closet, I was also aware of the fact that he was a brown recluse.  I said you stay in there and I'll let you live.  Well, thank god Lueka had the accident, I got the blankets in the washer and here comes Mr. Spider, OUT OF MY BLANKETS.  Yeah, he's currently drowning on spin cycle.  Not my fault, he made a deal and he broke it.  LOL 

Still no word on a "paying" job.  It's very frustrating.  I wish I had a vehicle and then I could look for a job a lot easier.  I have very little options right now.  It's third shift or nothing.  Oh well, everything eventually works out in the end.  I'm going to go take a muscle relaxer and try and go to bed.


4am :: Ok so I didn't go to sleep like I said I would.  Whoops!  LOL  Had to add a little to my journal entry for today though.  I shaved my long haired cat, Isaiah tonight.  I used my mom's horse clippers on him.  Now last year around this time I did the same thing and he came out looking pretty funny.  He had gotten a very bad haircut.  He looks sooooo cool this time though!!!!  I gave him a partial lion cut (have to finish it tomorrow... he was getting annoyed) so that he has no hair on his tail except on the tip.  He looks so cute!  That's the upside of it.  On the down side, my cat hates me and all his friends make fun of his "pretty boy" haircut.  LOL I'll take some pictures of him and try and get them online for all to see and make fun of him!!!  LOL Night all!

7am :: Yeah, sleep isn't coming easily tonight.  I get a real job and I'll be screwed.  First six months I'll be a walking zombie and a bitch from hell.  I thought about taking a sleeping pill but then wondered what the effects of a muscle relaxant and a sleeping pill together might have.  Hmmm, muscle relaxant, slows heart rate... hmmm... sleeping pill, slows heart rate... seems like a bad combo to me.  I would like nothing more than to be sleeping right now.  And see what's funny, I'm exhausted.  I feel like I could pass out right this second... then I lay down and just lay there... and lay there... and lay there.  Do we see a pattern here?  Then again, I'll probably be working third's whenI start somewhere so I guess it won't be much different than what I'm used to now.  Go to sleep listening to Bob and Tom every morning and wake up to watch the sun set.  Well, off to try again.  Maybe I'll bang my head against the wall repeatedly... gotta pass out from the pain eventually... right?


It was a relaxing day today.  Took the dogs for not one but two walks.  The first one was frustrating because Mia wouldn't pay attention.  She was having a stupid moment or something but other than that it was uneventful.  The second one was hell.  I had to take the puppy, April with us so she wouldn't keep the whole house up all night.  Keep in mind, this dog has never had a leash on her and never been out of the yard.  Yeah, it was interesting.  Took us ten minutes just to get out of the driveway.  Eventually she got the hang of it and walked without me dragging her.  On the way back she only tripped me ten or fifteen times.  It could've been worse.  The only excitement for the day was some guy at the door at 2am.  I'm either stupid or have balls of steel because I opened the door.  He was pretty cute.  Turned out to be a guy I'd went to school with looking for his aunt's house.  He'd thought he was at the right house and was completely freaked that he might have bothered someone at 2 in the morning.  Lucky for him I'm almost always awake at odd hours.  And even better for him, I knew where his aunt lived. 

The dogs are sleeping soundly right now.  It's a nice break considering April is usually on the go most of the time, either after the cats or anything else that moves.  Jake's head healed up nicely and now there's just a small scar.  I got a book yesterday, Dean Koontz, The Face.  He is by far one of my favorite author's.  My mummy is so nice to me. =) I might be going to work tomorrow.  My mom's not been feeling well so it just depends.  She has something wrong with her eyes, everyone thinks it's pinkeye.  Her work told her not to come back until she's seen a doctor.  On top of that, she has an infection in her mouth that is going to require a root canal.  Poor lady just can't catch a break.  I'm still having migraines.  They're terrible.  I can't take much in the way of pain relievers because they make me puke, so I've been dealing with it but making sure everyone who comes across my path gets to hear about it. *grin* Well, I'm gonna finish talking to Joe and try to get to bed at a decent hour, well for me anyways.  Guess most people wouldn't consider 5am a decent hour huh?

Tuesday, June 1, 2004

The usual

Believe it or not, not much new recently.  Very little in the way of drama.  Went out to eat with my mummy two times this weekend.  The first night was Hacienda. We got a drink and sat and ate.  Very relaxing.  Then came home, watched Kill Bill Volume 1.  I'm still not sure if I like that movie or not.  It was a weird one that's about all I can say about it.  I felt it had very little in the way of a plot, just a lot of chicks kicking ass.  We went up to Franks' Nursery today, got some flowers for the pretty little humming birds.  Then went to Steak 'N Shake.  I was a bit of a grouch today.  Haven't been sleeping well again.  Wake up about every half hour and that's after I FINALLY fall asleep.  Been having a LOT of migraines too.  Damned wisdom teeth have decided to finally make their entrance and it's been a painful one.  After I ate I was in a little better mood though.  Then I came home and once again was in a bad mood.  Dina had called while we were out so I gave her a call back.  Talked for a while and I asked to speak to Danny when we were done talking... she goes to pass the phone and he tells her to tell me that he doesn't feel like talking to anyone right now.  I was pissed.  I haven't seen him since Monday and just wanted to see what he's been up to.  I wasn't calling to be a pain or ask him for anything.  I just missed my friend was all.  I haven't been on anti-depressants in a while so my emotions are all screwed up.  After I got off the phone I began to get paranoid.  Basically feeling like my friends aren't really my friends, blah blah blah.  Balled my eyes out for a while.  After I calmed down I talked to my mom about going out to look for a job again.  Before we left I got online right quick and Dina was on and made me feel a little better.  Put in an application at Meijer for third shift.  I'm going to put in some apps at the gas stations for third as well.  I don't like the idea of working those hours but I don't have much of a choice if this other place doesn't call me back.  I've been stressing big time about money.  I know it doesn't do me a damned bit of good to freak out about it but sometimes you just can't help it.  I've got about two weeks before I'm gonna need animal stuff again so I'd better find something before then.  I'd like to work at a bar as a bartender but I think you have to take some classes and stuff for that.  I could make some awesome tips though.  Gotta go into work on Wednesday and do an evale on some of the new cats.  Other than that I have no plans for the week.  I might see if Allie wants to reschedule our bar hopping for this weekend.  We were supposed to go on Saturday but I never got a hold of her before she left.  Of course, that requires money too.  Oh well.  I'd better go or I'll just keep writing forever.