Tuesday, June 15, 2004


Just a real quick update, I'll write more later today.  I have an interview at Meijer on Friday at 2pm for the bakery department.  Unfortunately, that means it'll be first shift.  Now I'm desperately in need of a way to and from.  Really makes you feel like a child when you have no transportation.  Alright, that's all for now.


Nothing much has changed since earlier.  Talked on the phone for a while.  Cleaned up my room so it's halfway decent.  I went to take care of Lueka's cage and he's not getting any better now that he's on the science diet stuff.  It says you have to wait two weeks but I really don't think it's going to help him.  He just seems to be getting worse if anything.  I hope I get this job.  I'll be taking him to the vet asap.  I hate leaving him in that cage.  He looks miserable.  I'd hate me if I was him.  He already feels like shit and now he's in this little cage with nothing better to do than eat, and sleep.  Poor boy.  Well, I'm gonna try and get some sleep before I have to get up for work.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey try going to www.petdiets.com... they have a nutrional vet console....
When we have problems at our shelter many times we end up feeding them Gerber baby food- chicken. It might be worth a try... and we regulate how much they eat when we do this... several small means vs. having food available all day.
I assume when you say getting sick Lueka is vimitting? Do you have acess to IV's at the shelter you work at, Dehydration can be a big problem with chronic vomitting. Hope this helps.
I have to say I am glad I found your journal, it is comforting knowing there are other people in the world like me.