Wednesday, June 2, 2004


It was a relaxing day today.  Took the dogs for not one but two walks.  The first one was frustrating because Mia wouldn't pay attention.  She was having a stupid moment or something but other than that it was uneventful.  The second one was hell.  I had to take the puppy, April with us so she wouldn't keep the whole house up all night.  Keep in mind, this dog has never had a leash on her and never been out of the yard.  Yeah, it was interesting.  Took us ten minutes just to get out of the driveway.  Eventually she got the hang of it and walked without me dragging her.  On the way back she only tripped me ten or fifteen times.  It could've been worse.  The only excitement for the day was some guy at the door at 2am.  I'm either stupid or have balls of steel because I opened the door.  He was pretty cute.  Turned out to be a guy I'd went to school with looking for his aunt's house.  He'd thought he was at the right house and was completely freaked that he might have bothered someone at 2 in the morning.  Lucky for him I'm almost always awake at odd hours.  And even better for him, I knew where his aunt lived. 

The dogs are sleeping soundly right now.  It's a nice break considering April is usually on the go most of the time, either after the cats or anything else that moves.  Jake's head healed up nicely and now there's just a small scar.  I got a book yesterday, Dean Koontz, The Face.  He is by far one of my favorite author's.  My mummy is so nice to me. =) I might be going to work tomorrow.  My mom's not been feeling well so it just depends.  She has something wrong with her eyes, everyone thinks it's pinkeye.  Her work told her not to come back until she's seen a doctor.  On top of that, she has an infection in her mouth that is going to require a root canal.  Poor lady just can't catch a break.  I'm still having migraines.  They're terrible.  I can't take much in the way of pain relievers because they make me puke, so I've been dealing with it but making sure everyone who comes across my path gets to hear about it. *grin* Well, I'm gonna finish talking to Joe and try to get to bed at a decent hour, well for me anyways.  Guess most people wouldn't consider 5am a decent hour huh?

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