Wednesday, June 2, 2004

Workin Girl

Went into work today.  I am tired.  I wouldn't be so tired if it wasn't for this feral cat we have.  At some point and time, two of the cats had gotten loose.  All the rescue cats and dogs are being kept in the garage for the summer.  Well, the one side is nice and clean but the other side has stuff, boxes and just mscl. stuff you acquire over the years.  Anyways, the cats got loose and being the cat person that I am, vowed to catch them both before the night was over.  The first cat was fairly easy, the first time I saw her, I caught her.  Only suffered minor scratches.  The other cat however is NOT a nice cat.  I caught him once but had to let him go because the only way to get him out of the tight space was to bring him towards my face.  Yeah, not gonna happen.  You ever hold a feral cat by the scruff of the neck?  Yeah, not a fun time.  I spent the next two hours on and off chasing this cat around the garage.  I swear he was teasing me and then laughing at me while the stupid human ran around looking like an idiot, when the whole time he'd been sitting right there.  I got a hold of him two more times but both times he escaped.  I was forced to give up when it was time to eat.  LOL They took me out to Applebee's for dinner.  Yum. We had a really good time up there too.  Just laughing and joking.  I came home and told my day to my mom.  After a little while of relaxing I took the dogs for their nightly walk.  Mia was worse than usual on the leash tonight.  She must have had some left over energy from not having to deal with the puppy all day.  She tried to chase anything and everything, dogs, rabbits, cars, you name it.  My arms are still shaky from holding onto her.  Seems like everyday that mile gets longer and longer.  So now I'm thinking, I'll come home, get on the computer and then get ready for bed.  Yeah, things don't always go the way you think they're going to around here.  I come upstairs to my bedroom and turn on the light... dum dum dum... one of my cats, Lueka has had a terrible horrible disgusting accident allllll over my bed.  I can't be mad at him because it was obvious he tried to run to the cat box, just didn't make it off my bed in time.  Now, I have to carry the blankets to the washer.  Ok, I was aware of the nasty little spider in my closet, I was also aware of the fact that he was a brown recluse.  I said you stay in there and I'll let you live.  Well, thank god Lueka had the accident, I got the blankets in the washer and here comes Mr. Spider, OUT OF MY BLANKETS.  Yeah, he's currently drowning on spin cycle.  Not my fault, he made a deal and he broke it.  LOL 

Still no word on a "paying" job.  It's very frustrating.  I wish I had a vehicle and then I could look for a job a lot easier.  I have very little options right now.  It's third shift or nothing.  Oh well, everything eventually works out in the end.  I'm going to go take a muscle relaxer and try and go to bed.


4am :: Ok so I didn't go to sleep like I said I would.  Whoops!  LOL  Had to add a little to my journal entry for today though.  I shaved my long haired cat, Isaiah tonight.  I used my mom's horse clippers on him.  Now last year around this time I did the same thing and he came out looking pretty funny.  He had gotten a very bad haircut.  He looks sooooo cool this time though!!!!  I gave him a partial lion cut (have to finish it tomorrow... he was getting annoyed) so that he has no hair on his tail except on the tip.  He looks so cute!  That's the upside of it.  On the down side, my cat hates me and all his friends make fun of his "pretty boy" haircut.  LOL I'll take some pictures of him and try and get them online for all to see and make fun of him!!!  LOL Night all!

7am :: Yeah, sleep isn't coming easily tonight.  I get a real job and I'll be screwed.  First six months I'll be a walking zombie and a bitch from hell.  I thought about taking a sleeping pill but then wondered what the effects of a muscle relaxant and a sleeping pill together might have.  Hmmm, muscle relaxant, slows heart rate... hmmm... sleeping pill, slows heart rate... seems like a bad combo to me.  I would like nothing more than to be sleeping right now.  And see what's funny, I'm exhausted.  I feel like I could pass out right this second... then I lay down and just lay there... and lay there... and lay there.  Do we see a pattern here?  Then again, I'll probably be working third's whenI start somewhere so I guess it won't be much different than what I'm used to now.  Go to sleep listening to Bob and Tom every morning and wake up to watch the sun set.  Well, off to try again.  Maybe I'll bang my head against the wall repeatedly... gotta pass out from the pain eventually... right?

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