Friday, October 12, 2007

Don't stop me now I'm goin crazy

If you're at all surprised by that last entry... you shouldn't be.  I tend to be far more opinionated than that... I also try to edit/control myself on my aol blog.  Most of my readers on here are far more tame than my other blog site.  I limit my cursing and my more extreme opinions.  Most of which I'm sure half of Americans have had at one point and time or another.  Not that that says much considering my opinion of American society in general.  I'll go into that quickly.  If a martian where to land here and ask me to describe what a typical American was like my description would be as follows.  (after holy cow, how'd you get here and are you gonna kill/probe me?) Americans as a whole tend to be very lazy.  We want things handed to us on a silver platter.  We want someone else to do it.  (doesn't matter what the "it" is we just don't want to do it ourselves) We are gluttons.  We want things now, we don't want to wait on them.  We want you to respect us in spite of all these things and in some cases fear us.  We think that we are the best nation in the world and that we should have rights to do with your country what we wish because it's in "your best interest." We want you to give us things (money/possessions) without us having to lift a finger and then we will complain endlessly that you didn't do it right.  We want to be ignorant to what happens in and outside of this country.  We do not want to know if we have cia assins.  We do not want to know about the humiliation of our captives of war.  We want someone else to handle that and that way we can go on obvious to the problem.  We don't want to deal with the guilt of not doing anything to stop horrible things from happening, in this country and in others.  We're the home of the brave, land of the free so fear us damnit or you're the next oil country we will come after.  We will kill your innocent and say they were victims of war.  Ok, I should stop now or I'm going to get some crazy zealot emailing me daily.  This is my opinion of America as a whole and if you're honest with yourself, you'll realize this is what the rest of the world thinks of us.  Now I also know there are hardworking Americans out there who try and be the best they can be at just being a human being.  They do the best they can to make their existence make the world just slightly a better place.  But as a whole, we are in short, fat lazy Americans.  (oh and it makes us look a WHOLE lot better when we have a guy as president that can't even pronounce other countries/leaders names properly without it being written out in phonics for him) I love America.  I love living here.  I love the opportunities I have just for being born in this country.  If I was an atheist in almost any other country, they would've killed me.  Hell, if I was who I am in almost any way, they would've killed me.  And yet I consider myself a good person.  I try to make a difference in a stranger's life everyday.  Whether it's hold the door for an old lady (even if it means it takes me ten minutes longer to get to my destination because now I'm stuck walking behind that old lady) or going out of my way to help a stranger find her keys.  I believe if everyone did little things for someone else every day that the world would be a little better place.  Maybe we'd have a little more appreciation for our fellow man.  With so much bad in society I think people think that's all there is out there.  Only bad people who want nothing but to help themselves.  Contrary to popular belief (at least after reading my last blog) if I found a massive amount of money, I wouldn't keep it.  I would do everything in my power to find that person and return them their money.  How do I know it wasn't a young couple who had finally saved up enough money to put a down payment on a house and were just transferring the money from point a to point b.  I am a good person, I just have strong opinions on some things.  And I think a lot of times it comes out more aggressive in a blog than it would if you were talking to me face to face.  Ok, this part of the blog is more centered around myself than I wanted it to be so let's move this along.  I think most Americans are good people.  I think most people when push come to shove will lend a helping hand.  Look at Katrina.  Just the amount of volunteers willing to go down and rescue the animals was astonishing.  There are still people volunteering to help rebuild, years later.  That in itself says something, not just about Americans but the human race.  We all have good qualities and we all have bad but we're ALLOWED to BE those things and that's what makes this America.  I actually have a lot of pride in my country and the people here, just not in the government so much.  Can people finally wake up a elect a Democrat again???  If you look at history, the presidents that were Democrats caused far less problems and helped America as a WHOLE, not just the super rich, than Republicans.  I won't even get into my opinion of the Republican party.  I'd be here for several hours. 

I don't know if this is weird.  Am I the only one who thinks like this throughout the day?  When I am thinking about things (whether important or not) I always think as if I'm blogging.  My thoughts come out as if I am typing them.  In some ways it's frustrating because I literally can't make myself stop doing it.  I try and find that a few minutes later I'm back to fake blogging.  On another note, it's helped me get through tough decisions.  It's like talking to a friend.  I get those things out of my head a little differently than just thinking about them.  I feel as if I'm actually typing them and people are reading them and it gives me an idea of how a strangers looking from the outside in would perceive what I'm saying, giving me a little more of a second view than I had before.  I would ask again if I'm weird but there are many other traits I have that would qualify me for the weird categoryhaha

We now have three (ot ot ah) baby birds.  (too much damn count dracula on sesame street) I feel awful for mom.  She looks exhausted.  I'm going to take a lid from a pop bottle, remove all the rubber parts and use it as a small food dish for inside the nesting box.  I'm worried that she's not getting enough to eat.  The babies are fat and healthy but I worry that mom isn't saving anything for herself.  I am in the process of getting pictures.  I got two good shots today and since the chicks were born different days, it shows how much growing can be done in such a short span of time.  I will only be taking pictures once or twice a week as mom isn't the friendliest parakeet to begin with and having three babies isn't making her anymore human friendly.  I also am doing my best to disturb her as little as possible right now.  They also won't be posted immediately as my daughter lost the cord to the digital computer some time ago.  So I either have to rip the house apart to find the old one or just go to best buy and get a new one.


afterthought:: Lisa, she didn't really build a nest.  There was nesting material in her box and she just laid eggs as it was.  At least she was lazy at the beginning of this whole process and not the end.  =)


Anonymous said...

I loved this entry Jamie....I totally agree with you on alot of issues and yes, I think like this too.  I think you nailed it when you said LAZY!!  So many Americans are so arrogant, they think people all over the world want what we wrong.  We have become one of the most despised countries in the world, for good reason too.  I enjoyed reading your opinions.  Thanks for answering the nest question.  Poor mama bird, she needs a vacation already.

Anonymous said...

You are articulate and bright,and I agree with you on most everything. And like you, don't get me started on Republicans..and about being an Atheist...some of the finest people I know are humanist.

BTW, it doesn't matter if you believe in God. SHE believes in you.  LOL