Wednesday, October 17, 2007


I've got a really awful cold.  Jasmine just started showing signs of it today.  I've had a sore throat for about a week but that's not all that unusual for me.  I get a lot of sore throats, probably from yelling at the dogs and kid so much.  But a few days ago I began having sinus issues and today I'm coughing. 

The baby birds eyes are open and they're getting feathers.  There's only two of them.  I can't even find the third one.  It just seems to have disappeared.  The oldest of the two is starting to resist being held by humans.  Now that he can see, he knows who's touching him. 

Other than being sick, nothing new.  The puppy is trying her best to keep us up every night.  I let her sleep with us for a few hours and then I crate her in the room farthest from my bedroom.  (with the other Aussies) Can you blame me?


Anonymous said...

We have sore throats, too...hope you feel better...

Anonymous said...

Feel better soon.  Wonder what happened to the other baby?