Monday, October 15, 2007


Well, just finished watching 1408 with John Cusak (credits are currently rolling) and it was definitely worth it.  Wow.  Twists and turns all through this movie and you rarely even leave the room 1408.  I can't give much away in case any of you decide to watch it.  If you like movies that are a little spooky, you'll probably like this one.  I thoroughly enjoyed it, except for the part where my daughter wakes up in the middle of it and decides not to go back to sleep. 

Unfortunately, we lost the third born baby chick.  Mom kept pushing her out of the nest and I of course, kept putting her back in.  I was trying to disguise her with the other two birds but she wasn't buying it.  I don't like to see anything die, especially babies.  And what's even worse is that another one hatched this morning.  I don't see any way that it's going to survive.  Even if mom does decide to care for it, the other two are at least three times it's size and will easily win food.  At this point, I'm not sure what to do.  The two oldest are doing really well.  They're fat and healthy.  The first to hatch, his eyes are just starting to open tonight.  I figure by the morning on the next night, they'll be completely open. 

The puppy is doing very well.  I've named her Savannah.  I don't usually have to use a name for her though as she stays right at my heels.  She whines constantly, even when she's with me.  The only time she seems to be quiet is when she's sleeping and even then she occasionally wakes up to fuss.  I'm hoping her eyes will be green.  I'm not betting on it but hoping.  It would be neat.  She'll get to visit her brother in a few weeks when we go back up to Michigan to visit. 

My mom's dog, Molly had a seizure yesterday.  It's the second one she's had that we know of.  The last time the vet said that they would only do something if she had another one.  I don't know of much they can do except control the misfiring in her brain with drugs.  I suppose they could try and figure out the exact kind of epilepsy she has or if the seizures are caused by something else. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Savannah is a beautiful name.  I decided if I ever get another black lab her name will be Chloe, I don't know why but that is what it will be.  I'm sorry the little chick died, I hope the newest one makes it.  It sounds like it's pretty exciting around your place right now with  babies!!!  I hadn't hear of 1408 but I will have to check it out.  I hope it isn't anything serious with Molly.
Have a great day!