Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Snooze fest

We rented the movie Death Proof on Saturday but I didn't get a chance to watch it till tonight.  I had heard all this hype about how hardcore this movie was supposed to be.  They had considered an NC-17 rating at one point.  I have no idea why.  Hostel 2 was way more hardcore when it came to blood and gore.  There wasn't any sex in it so that wasn't even considered for the rating.  Either way the movie was a total suckfest.  The main "stars" are killed off within half and hour of the movie and the rest of it is played by nobody's and has-beens. (Kurt Russel) The acting sucks, the music sucks, the plot sucks.  In other words, unless it's on HBO, and there's nothing else on, don't waste your time or money. 

Still at two parakeets and I really hope it stays that way.  Mom has enough trouble dealing with the two she has now.  It'll be a week or so before I'm sure as to whether I can remove the other three eggs.  The dad is actually helping.  All throughout the egg laying process he stayed away from the nesting box.  At first I assumed he was a dead beat dad but it was actually because mom would attack him if he got anywhere near the entrance.  Now she's allowing him in as long as it's just to give her food.  He seems lonely but it'll only take a month before the chicks are out of the nesting box and two before they are completely on their own.  Luckily, I'm quite sure I won't have to take on the role as mommy bird.  They're doing a fine job on their own.  Waking up every two hours to feed to squawking babies wasn't something I looked forward to. 


Anonymous said...

LOL, I am so glad you don't have a deadbeet dad on your hands!  You are so lucky to be able to see all of this with the keets.  What kind of nest did she build?  I haven't even heard of  Death Proof, I guess that's good though.  Have a great day.

Anonymous said...

Like Lisa I've never heard of the movie. As for the two babies, too sweet that the dad is helping feed the mom. I had a pair of wrens build their nest in my planter on the side porch last year. The mom & dad took turns keeping the nest warm, until finally the mom stayed put and the dad would bring her food. Loved watching the entire process from the building of the nest to the hatching of the chicks, until they finally took off on their own. (Hugs) Indigo