Friday, October 12, 2007

I did a bad bad thing

Today I went with my mom to pick up her Australian Shepherd puppy.  We had went last week to look at them and they were ready to be picked up this week.  I had no plans of getting one.  All the females were gone except for a black tri and I didn't want another black tri.  Low and behold when I get there, she tells me someone changed their mind on the little red merle female.  Now I have a decision to make.  Do I wait, as I had planned and get a puppy sometime between December and next summer or do I get one now?  I called Shawn and he came out with the checkbook.  Guess who is sitting on my lap?  A little red merle female.  I think I have a name picked out but I'm not certain on it yet so I'll wait to tell it.  She's adorable.  Pictures will be up as soon as possible.  I've been told she has a selfish and whiny attitude.  haha We'll see what that means in due time. 

On the way to my moms from picking up the puppies, I was following Shawn and his car caught on fire.  Are you kidding me?  Two in a matter of years, on fire!  Luckily, the fire didn't last long and there was no need to call out the fire department.  Shawn will be cleaning it out tomorrow and then we'll decide what to do with it.  Now we're down to one car again.  Lovely.  I just got this Grand AM so that I would have something to drive and I wouldn't be totally stuck at home and now I'll be stuck at home again.  At least for now.  We kind of knew it was getting ready to die anyways so at least it didn't come as any surprise. 


Anonymous said...

Awe, congratulations on your new baby!!! I can't wait to hear her name & see her, I bet she is a dollbaby!!  Too bad about the car, at least you didn't need to call the fire department.  Have fun with little one!

Anonymous said...

a new puppy!   I am jealous...although already planning on a Golden Retriever Puppy when the greyhounds die if we move...