Thursday, October 25, 2007

Oh we don't like it

Well, I guess I'll be calling the dentist and making an appointment.  I don't know if I'll be able to get them pulled now or have to wait due to finances.  I'm not sure if it would be 200 or 500 that my insurance was unwilling to pay.  Bastards.  We'll see if any of it actually happens or if I back out at the last minute again.  I just want to be able to eat Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner without any issues.  At least my surgeon is understanding.  The last time, he was not only going to knock me out but was also going to give me a prescription for a valium for the day of the surgery since I have the needle issue.  It might even help with my migraines since a lot of them seem to originate from my sinuses.  Yes, I'm trying hard to convince myself that this is a good thing. 

Still pmsing big time.  Why is it that the dogs behave the worst when I'm most likely to lock them outdoors till their little toes freeze.  (kidding)  My aussies are supposed to be the GOOD dogs.  They knocked so many things over today that you would've thought they were of a lower intelligence.  I think it warned Jasmine to behave though.  Screaming at the dogs tends to give away your mood rather quickly. 

I also have to deal with the to be pregnant or not with the dental work.  I don't know if I could have it done while I was pregnant and I'm pretty sure valium isn't a good idea.  I'd rather have it done and over with so it's not another thing to worry about.  I do feel like I'm on a time table when it comes to getting pregnant.  I would still like to have a total a three kids and as I said before, my husband has made it quite clear he doesn't want any kids after HE turns 30.  He's 26 now.  It takes almost a year of being pregnant so he would be 27 if I was pregnant NOW.  That only gives me two years before I would need to be pregnant before his 30th birthday.  Damn him.  I wouldn't even be thinking about THAT except that he declared it during dinner last week.  He says he doesn't want to be 60 when his kid graduates from high school.  You wouldn't honey, you'd be 50.  ; )

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good luck with the dental work - I don't envy you!