Sunday, December 23, 2007

At first I was afraid, I was petrified

Wind has never bothered me much.  I think it's kind of neat to hear it howling at night, particularly around Halloween but this is the end of December.  We have 50mph wind gusts right now and a continuous winds at 26mph.  The last gust really had me concerned.  I think they might be a little worse at my house or other houses like it.  You see, to the west of us is open fields for about half a mile.  There are no barriers in that area to slow down the force of the wind.  My bedroom is on the far west side of my house.  I can hear things hitting the house just feet from my bed.  Thankfully, there aren't any large trees right next to my bedroom but the wind is still scary none the less.  There have been many deaths across the midwest that are blamed primarily on these winds.  They are causing blowing snow and drivers cannot see the cars in front of them.  Thankfully, we have no snow to speak of right now.  It all melted in the unheard of 50 degree weather we've had today.  The temperature will plunge this afternoon into the lower 20's.  And overnight the wind chill will be in the single digits.  I am concerned for my cats.  This is their first winter outdoors and despite having a heat lamp and being indoors, I still worry they will get too cold or manage to get stuck outside where there is no protection from the cold and wind.  I will be checking on them throughout the night. 

Unbelievably, I still have Christmas shopping to do.  Mostly just Santa stuff and one more main item.  Target has an awesome section for Santa stuff and I will be going there tomorrow after my football game.  We went to the mall today but had Jasmine with us so I really couldn't get the things I needed to.  While we were there we bumped into my cousin and her fiance which was a welcome surprise.  The only time I've ever spoken to her fiance, we've been around family members and he's usually quiet and reserved.  This time around he was the furthest thing from reserved.  Who knew he was so funny and him and my husband together are absolutely hilarious.  By the time we parted with them, my stomach and face hurt.  Their wedding is this week and I'm not sure if they're looking forward to it or dreading it.  People put such high expectations on what weddings should be and I think it's getting to them a little bit.  A few months ago, I was dreading going to another wedding but after today, I'm actually looking forward to it.  And despite what I may say or how I may act, I do love my cousin, blood or no blood.


Anonymous said...

I was watching the weather channel this morning and thought of you when I saw what was going on - they had mentioned the high winds and some severe storms too. It is heading our way, heavy rains and a high wind advisory are in effect until this evening.  I think your cats will do okay as long as they have the heat lamps and something to get under - I put some cardboard boxes filled with hay/straw in for some of the shyer ones (the ones who won't go in the heated room) to burrow in.  They love them.  I try to keep a flap or two over the front to keep them even warmer but most times they push them open.  Maybe you could try that too.  We do the best we can girlfriend - I know they are in good hands with you.

Anonymous said...

Our bedroom faces west also and I know what you mean about the wind. We are wide open here and when the wind blows there is nothing to stop it. I have learned over time how to manage to keep things from blowing away. Have to really baton down the hatches for sure.