Monday, December 31, 2007

Toilet paper rolls are not toys

I seem to be getting over my cold but my sore throat persists.  I told myself that if I still had it today, that I would make an appointment to see my doctor.  My throat has been like this for a full ten days now so I guess it's time to do something about it.  I love that my doctor's office has a website now.  I just put in what time(s) and day(s) I would like to come in, what I need to be seen for and I get an email the same day with my appointment.  No need to talk to snippy receptionists anymore. 

Everything has been great with Bindi the ferret, until tonight.  Me and Jasmine were watching a movie while the ferret was out playing and I heard her making a funny noise.  I look over and she has her entire head stuck in a toilet paper roll.  I really think she thought that it was about to eat her, the way she was carrying on.  After tugging gently and carefully pulling, I got her free.  She wanted nothing to do with playing after that and jumped into her cage.  I let her back out a few hours later while I cleaned out her litter boxes and she seemed to have forgotten the incident ever happened.  I'm so glad I didn't put them in her cage to play with.  I'm sure she would've fallen from the top and flipped out till I found her.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well I guess Bindi won't be playing with toilet paper anytime too soon!  It sounds kind of cute though.