Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Grandma got ran over by a trash can....

Wow, where to begin.  I woke up late, thinking that my mom was going to be pissed that I was late to dinner.  I went to find my husband and he said that dinner was going to be served later than usual.  My grandma had broken her wrist.  She was taking the trash out early in the morning and the trash can got stuck on a rock and she fell.  Who knows how long it took her to get back in the house.  The trash can fell over and she some how ended up inside of it, a fact she found funny later.  She came in the house and my brother asked her if she was ok because she leaned back on the couch and was breathing real deep.  After she took off her glasses he could see she was bleeding.  Now if you know my grandma, you know she would rather be in pain all day than tell anyone that anything was really wrong because she wouldn't want to "ruin" anybodies day.  When my mom heard my brother ask if she was ok, she came into the living room.  My grandma was bleeding a lot from her eye and her nose was already swollen from hitting the ground.  She was holding her arm up and my mom said her hand was just hanging there.  That's when she said to my mom that she "thinks" she hurt her wrist.  Inside my mom was saying to herself 'you THINK you hurt your wrist?!'  They went to the ER and luckily didn't have much of a wait.  Her wrist is broken all the way through, both bones.  The break is at a 45 degree angle.  It looks absolutely awful on the xrays.  I literally thought I was going to be sick when I saw it.  And the way they had to reset her wrist was even worse.  They knocked her out (and they said anything under 30 degree break would've sent her to surgery), hung her arm from the ceiling and then put weights on her elbow.  Even thinking about it now, I still feel a little sick.  My mom couldn't even watch it.  You can still tell that the smaller of the two bones is broken in the second xrays (after they set it) but the larger bone looks completely normal as if it wasn't broken at all.  She slept a lot throughout the day but when she was awake I felt like a lost puppy following her from room to room.  It's hard not to be able to take someone else's pain away.  I've never really had to experience my grandma really getting hurt.  When she had heart surgery, I was still relatively young and everything since then has been bumps and bruises except for a broken foot but I didn't see her right after that happened.  When it comes to pain, my grandma is as tough as they come so to be able to look at her and KNOW she's hurting told me that it was excrutiating.  We've never had that big of a dinner without my grandma doing the most work so we were unsure as to how it was going to turn out but my mom did a very good job with everything. 

Jasmine got more stuff than I can even name off the top of my head.  I got some clothes, packers knit hat and jersey from my husband (directly from lambo field.. he had a friend who went to a game and got stuff for me), a packers sweatshirt from my mom and a scrapbook of pictures of August.  (my dog that died in July... it has to be the most meaningful gift I've ever gotten) Along with various other things.  (sorry I'm tired at the moment and have a migraine... memory is not at it's best at the moment)

I hope everyone had a safe and warm holiday.  I have a day "off" and then it's my birthday.  As of right now, I have no plans for tomorrow.  It's the only day of the week that I know I don't have to get up for anything. 


Anonymous said...

Oh Jaime your poor grandma, my gosh she must be tough as nails.  I would have been wailing to anyone who would listen.  I do hope she recovers well and isn't in too much pain.  I'm happy to hear you had a nice Christmas and it surely sounds like Santa was good to Jasmine...I bet she was excited.  Feel better!

Anonymous said...

Wow that was something else tangling with that trash can! Glad she is alright, she does sound tough. My mama is like that. Never lets on she is in pain. It has to be really bad for anyone to know.