Friday, December 28, 2007

Women make the world work

You know a major difference between men and women?  When women get sick and feel like shit, we still take care of our daily responsibilities.  When men get sick (or the tiniest of headaches) they lay around, mope and whine about how awful they feel and leave all the duties for us to take care of.  For over a week now, I have had some sort of infection in my throat.  At first, I said nothing because when you say you're sick, people avoid you like you just said you have the plague.  It hurt a little at first but now it's just annoying and frustrating that I know have to go to the doctor to get a prescription for antibiotics, even though I have a full bottle here, all because I also have to have a prescription to prevent the side effects of taking antibiotics. Yesterday, I started to feel like I had allergies or something.  I wasn't feeling bad, just not great.  By this morning, I was feeling like crap, sneezing, nose running and my head just feeling... cloudy.  I had to get up and leave the house because my cousins wedding is tomorrow and I wanted to get something to wear to it.  After a frozen coffee, I felt better... for an  hour but it was enough time to pick out some clothes and shoes.  (which I got for ten bucks instead of forty!) Now we're back home and my husband knows I have to give Jasmine a bath and I have to take a shower.  Instead of being nice and trying to help me with the stuff I have to do every night, he went and played on the computer.  Note, he is not sick and feels perfectly fine but I almost guarantee that by tomorrow he'll at least act like he's not feeling well so he doesn't have to help me.  I have to get Jasmine taken care of, get her clothes ready for tomorrow and then when I went and asked him if he had fed the dogs, he acted put out because he had to speak to say no.  I didn't bother to ask him to do it for me.  I fed them, let them out and still have so much animal stuff to do that I really shouldn't be on the computer but if I don't get to take a break...............  The only thing he's been forced to do at all this week as far as work, is take the trash down to the road and the recycling... and bitched about it for twenty minutes.  I get taken for granted because I don't have a real job.  Trust me, if we added up hours worked, mine would be higher.  On the weekends, he gets to relaxand do nothing, notta.  I still have to make sure Jasmine is fed and taken care of as well as all the animals.  I don't get breaks, lunch hours, sick days or time off.  There are no vacations when you're a mom.  I wonder if stay at home dads get as little help and respect as stay at home moms?  Or do all women just naturally do what needs to be done?  Oh and I think he was pissy all day because the house isn't cleaned.  I haven't been home long enough to clean it.  I've either been out shopping everyday for Christmas or just out.  Jasmine spilled her drink all over the coffee table today and he "cleaned" it up.  Later on, I went to take a pop can to the recycle bin and it was STUCK to the table.  So much for cleaning it up.  Now I have to clean out the ferrets cage and get Jasmine only who knows what before she throws a massive fit.


Anonymous said...

Alerts arent working this morning. :( I didnt get this alert. Didnt get Dads Tomato Garden alert, wonder who else I am missing out on this Saturday. Hope you feel better soon! Sucks to be sick.

Anonymous said... are the one who married Dougs twin~I've always wanted to meet you!  Sounds like our house, little act of doing something and they think they are all that and a bag of chips...nevermind the fact that we do EVERYTHING and never get a mention about it.  They are all alike.  Every now & then I blow up and state everything I do and he must feel bad because he'll "help" without complaint for a few days...pfft, that ends quick!!!  Feel better soon, enjoy the wedding!

Anonymous said...

I call it the mothering syndrome. Men have to be mothered, babied and outright waited on to feel love. It's hogwash to me, but it won't change them one bit. Doc and I have both been sick for the past few weeks, guess who's been in bed whining? Wasn't me. (Hugs) Indigo