Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Listen hear fuzz... bucket!

I forgot to mention earlier that on our trip to Walmart, my husband had seen a shadow of a small cat and actually pointed it out to me, knowing what I would end up doing.  I jumped out of the car and started calling for the little cat but to no avail, she ran off over a hill.  I told my husband that I had no idea what I'd do with her if I'd caught her but we both know I do.  She would've come home with us, been secluded from the rest of the animals for two weeks and then joined the other two in the cat house.  I was just shocked he pointed her out knowing I would go after her.

I went to check on Cash a few minutes ago and he was furiously licking at his, well what used to be his doggy balls.  ;) So back on went the elizabethan collar.  So much for trying to be nice.  I can only imagine what the vet will think when she goes to pull out eight staples and there's only a few left.  Who knows where the other's went.  Rocky is leaving his alone. 

After doing the last dog check of the night, I went to get my pills ready, which I do in front of the small fish tank.  All I kept saying over and over again was omigod OH-MY-GAWD!  There are hundreds, HUNDREDS of little egg sacs covering the tank.  They're on the rocks, the walls, the fake decor, even the front of the filter.  What the hell am I going to do with all those snails?  There's at least twenty snails per sac and at least (at the VERY least) fifty sacs, that's a minimum of (checking calculater to make sure my math is correct) 1000 snails.  Ok, now I feel a little sick and there's a few more oh-my-gawds coming.  Calm down, they couldn't all survive... could they?  I'm going to turn into my friend who has twenty fish tanks going at one time because she has so many damn snails.  (she has several salt water tanks, a goldfish tank, a sick tank where any fish goes that gets sickly, a tank just for her snails, a tank for her guppies, and a tank for any fish she finds at walmart or various other stores that she thinks are dying so she buys them and tries to make them survive) I'm going to have to figure something out if they keep doing this all the time.  You know they ONLY breed in the small tank.  The 55 gallon tank only has the snails I put in it.  They're not multiplying like horny teenagers.  The small tank doesn't even have a heater or air supply (just what comes from the filter).  You would think THAT would be the tank that they don't multiply in.  I'm attaching pictures of the tank. 

You see the large clump neer the bottom?  Yes, well it's feeding time and that is about 25 of those little dots you see all around thank, eating an algae waffer.  Can you imagine what feeding time will be like with 1100 snails eating???  Oh and the others aren't eating now because they found the waffer before the other guys.  And on the far left you can get a glimpse of my male betta.  I thought he was dead the other day, it turns out he's just reeeeeaaaaaallllly lazy.  He was stuck to the filter where it sucks up water... he was laying there so he didn't have to swim to get air to flow through his gills.  Smart but still lazy.


Anonymous said...

I know what you would have done with that little cat....that's a no brainer!!!  The same thing I would have done!  The snails are amazing - I have tons of them in my outside pond.  It seems they never stop having babies!  

Anonymous said...

Talking about trying to get that cat make me think of what my Dad said to me one time when we would pick up cats a lot and give them a good home. He said,"Did you ever think that those cats were someones pet and you just took their pet??" LOL Well, they shouldnt leave their cats unattended for do gooders like myself huh. Hmmmm time for some escargo for dinner??? LOLLL just kidding...snails can definitely multiply cant they.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I don't have a clue what I would do with that many snails. As for the Cat, I'm with everyone else we all would of done the same thing. Taken the poor cat home. If it did belong to someone else, why in the world was it running around in a busy parking lot were it could of been ran over. At the rate I'm going a Cat house isn't a bad idea. For now my front porch has been taken over by the strays that are outside. I have Cat beds, food dishes, blankets the works out there for them. (Hugs) Indigo

Anonymous said...

I won't even tell you how soon those 1100 snails will lay eggs.