Thursday, December 13, 2007

CSI Dog Fighting Ring

I was initially concerned about how CSI would portray dog fighting rings on tonights show.  The show isn't over yet but so far I'm pleased with how it's going.  The portion of the show that *shows* a dog fight was obvious to me that the dogs were acting and that no one was actually hurt during the scene.  Although if you did see it, how adorable is the dog that "lost" that fight?  I just wanted to go pick him up and cuddle him.  ;) If you've ever seen a real dog fight, you will see how obvious it is that this is complete acting.  I was really concerned about how much they wanted ratings in comparison to the animals safety.  By the way, a real dog fight, is vicious and awful thing to witness.  I've seen many videos from animal rights/animal cruelty organizations.  I've cried watching each and every one of them.  It makes you want to do really awful things to those that participate in it.  (Micheal Vick... me and my husband both agree that he should be restrained and allow those dogs to kill him)  Kudos to CSI for putting attention on the harsh reality of dog fighting rings.


Anonymous said...

Ah, Michael Vick....I agree with you and your husband but I want the torture to go on a long time ~ like call off the dogs for a little and then turn them loose again and repeat the process. Throw whats left in the woods and let the wild animals take over.  I didn't watch CSI last night, when I saw what it was about I decided not to watch it.  I wish I would have now that I've read your entry.

Anonymous said...

I've seen probably the same video's you have on dog fighting and it makes me sick to see the cruelty that goes on. I'm glad CSI brought up the subject. I do worry that if they put it into to light of a deal the people won't take it serious. From what your saying it sounds like they did try to make sure people understand it is a real issue.......As for Michael Vick....I can't think of anything that would possible satisfy me on how to punish that man. Nothing seems violent enough for his actions. I can't believe he was only given 23 months for his part in the dog fights and killing those innocent animals. (HUgs) Indigo

Anonymous said...

Dont watch a lot of tv, and CSI is not one of the few things I watch, but glad to hear they did it tastefully. Saw on the news this morning that no one wanted to buy Vicks house in VA for the amount clear what is invested in the property. I sure wouldnt want it.

Anonymous said...

WOW.. Pathetic... so you're against dog fighting.. and for killing people?  You sound like my 5 year old when he's throwing a tantrum.

I hate dog fighting.. hunting etc..
But If I had to choose between a world full of you.. or a world full of "blood-sportsmen" I'd have a hard time grow up the world isn't all norman rockwell paintings and for good reason.