Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Here I go blog on my own.. Going down the only road I've ever known

Have any of you ever noticed that most of my blog titles are from songs or movies?  I had no where to go with that, I was just wondering.  hehe

Onto business at hand, I need a personalized Christmas Card.  I have it down to a couple of pictures of Jasmine that would be going on the card (walmart does it in an hour) And then a few things that I may or may not put on the card as well.... I expect some input people so raise your hand and be part of the class.

Card would read something along the lines of "Hope your holiday is filled with mysterious surprises!"  I say mysterious because she seems like she's being shy and mysterious.  I have other ideas for this one as well.  "Hope your Holidays are filled with sweetness and warmth!"   

This one would have one of the headings above or another one, haven't decided yet.

Same concept as the first, just different facial features.

This the final one of them.  "Hoping your holidays are as peaceful as they are here."  But I have to choose between these two pictures, the closer or the further away.

This one I added just because I thought the lighting effect was cool.  She loves looking at these because she knows it didn't look like that when she was playing with them!


Anonymous said...

I like #5 ~ she looks like an angel!  The last picture with the lights is cool, it has such a magical feel to it.  She is an adorable little girl.

Anonymous said...

I picked the third!

Anonymous said...

#3 is perfect! Her smile is infectious, you can't help smiling after seeing that picture. (Hugs) Indigo