Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Damn, it's cold

My days have been spent with endless hours of Evan Almighty.  We rented it for Jasmine since she likes any movie with animals in it and she ended up liking it so much we got it for her.  For a while it was Sesame Street all day.  She wasn't watching it but it HAD to be on.  Now it's Evan Almighty or as she calls it, tigers.  (even though the tigers are only in the movie for all of ten seconds) As much as I've come to loathe the sight of the movie, I love that it occasionally buys me five or ten minutes without hearing mom, mom, mom.  Sometimes she actually says my name over and over just to get a reaction.  When I say what, she looks confused and says uhmmmmm.  She's recently begun answering questions with full sentences.  We used to ask her if she was hungry and her way of saying yes would be repeating 'are you hungry?'  Now she answers with 'Yes I am hungry.  Are you hungry?'  She's extremely polite and says thank you when a stranger holds the door for us.  Well, she really says thank you to anything.  If she thinks you've made a strange face or noise she asks if you're ok.  And usually she comes over to hug you.  That being said, she also has one of the worst potty mouths I've ever heard on a two year old.  We had it under control pretty good for a while, at least that's what we thought.  Yesterday, we were in the middle of Walmart and she was asking to look at something or buy something and Shawn told her no.  She responded with 'You're an asshole.'  Oh yes, you're choking on your coffee now.  ; )  Even I had to walk away because it was so hard for me to keep in that laugh.  My husband was upset (probably because he knew it was somehow my doing) but once he saw my face, he couldn't help but grin.  For once, she didn't see our amusement.  She used to say damnit every time she dropped something but we had taught her to say darn it instead.  (well she slipped up once tonight when I threw something in the recycle and it missed, I said nothing but she said goddamnit and quickly corrected herself) There was a time (not anymore thankfully) when she would literally run through the house saying the f-word.  I remember her running in circles in the kitchen just saying f, f, f over and over again.  I don't know how we stopped that one because she thought it was the best thing in the world.  My mouth has gotten better since she has began speaking so well.  I do still curse here and there and probably more than I should but it's better.  Shawn still has some improving to do, although he is quick to correct me when I slip.  Lucky for us, most people only see the polite little wild child and not the cursing sailor.

Me and my husband have become obsessed with Guitar Hero III.  It's a game for Xbox 360 (or PS2, PS3 and just about any other gaming console).  At first I didn't see how it was that fun or even that challenging.  I can play the guitar, not well, but I can so playing a fake one on a tv just seemed silly.  Basically instead of the usual controller, you have what appears to be a guitar, except where the strings are, there are five buttons and where you would usually pick, there is a bar that moves either way you feel comfortable.  The game can be a bit challenging I found once I started playing it but I can still kick my husband's butt on it.  It's the first video game I've really played since Jasmine was born because quite frankly, I really have better things I could be doing.  This has been nice because it's something we're doing together and not seperate.  Usually he plays some football game and I play on the computer.  Jasmine usually ends the game because she throws a super fit but it's still nice to have something silly we can do together. 

It snowed a little for the first time tonight.  Nothing stuck to the ground but it's still a sign of what's to come.  I remember as a kid, the first snowflakes were magical.  Now it's just a reminder that once again it's going to be cold and gloomy out.  Did I mention cold.  I have a "winter" coat but not really.  When I went shopping for one, all I could find were things made from animals so I settled on the less warm one, much less warm.  I was regretting it tonight when I was out making the cats more comfortable.  On my second trip I stole my mom's heavy down filled coat.  There are days I wish I wasn't so enviromentally friendly, particularly on the cold days.


Anonymous said...

Oh how I would have loved to hear Jasmine say that in WallMart, I would have busted out laughing.  I know it isn't right but I would think that was pretty funny anyway.  Now that it is getting cold I'll have to get the video games out - I'll keep Guitar Hero in mind, we'll need new ones for the winter.  That is the only time I play, the nights seem so damn long and boring.  
PS) The watusi fields border my yard ~ they are always watching me do crazy antics...I think I entertain them!  :)  

Anonymous said...

I couldn't help laughing over the Wal-Mart incident. Coming from a 2 year old it's cute and amusing. Coming from a teenager it's vulgar. I went through this stage with Skye when she was little. I'm the one with a mouth like a sailor. She used to make up the Shit song (which consist of saying the word over and over repeatedly). I went to pick her up from her grandmother's (dad's side) and she greeted us at the door with Grandpa has a bug up his ass. I lost it (still funny to this day). Apparently her Grandmother said something in that venue when she didn't realize Skye was listening. For weeks afterward she would walk up to people and ask if they had a bug up their ass.
I'm actually loving the cold. I'm one of those strange creatures that loves piling clothes on , drinking hot chocolate and romping in the snow endlessly with my dog. (Yes, I do still act like a teenager *winks*) (Hugs) Indigo

Anonymous said...

hahaha....been through that with all my girls. Shelby has dropped the F bomb and a few others before. We really have to clean up our mouths, too.