Tuesday, November 27, 2007

So urgent... urgent urgent wait and see

First, as of right now, Jake does not need surgery.  He goes back to the vet on Saturday morning.  He has a severe ulcer on his cornea.  The vet said it was extremely painful so they gave him a shot to calm him down and some medicines that we have to give to him six times a day.  Hopefully, by the weekend, he will be feeling better.

I spent two hours in urgent care tonight.  The bites I have from Jake, have become  infected... all six of them.  Thank you Jake.  I have to be on horse pill sized antibiotics.  I woke up with my arm feeling really sore.  I even woke up from it several times during the night which really told me something was wrong because a tornado can't wake me up.  After I was up for a while, it kept getting worse and it was red and hot so I did a search for cat bites, found a lot of stuff the scared the hell out of me and went to the doctor.  It hurts all the time but is worse when I move my wrist or when my arm is touched.  (Jasmine smacked my arm at the doctor and I swear my pain went from a 4 to an 8 immediately)  After I was home for a few hours, the phone rang.  By then it was 11pm so I thought it was really odd.  Then I realized the caller id said it was from memorial health so I thought it was the doctor's office calling for whatever reason.  (I figured it had to do with the dangerous animal form I had to fill out for my OWN cat) It was my friend Liz.  Her little boy who is one was admitted into the hospital tonight for pnuemonia.  It's the second time he's been in the hospital.  The first time he came pretty close to dying.  They hope he'll be out in the morning.  He was dehydrated and feeling pretty lousy. 


Anonymous said...

I am glad you went to the ER, cat bites are nothing to fool around with.  It's good news Jake doesn't need surgery, hopefully his eye will get better.  How sad about the little boy,  I surely hope the little guy comes through okay.

Anonymous said...