Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Onto the rabbits and birdies

Before you view the pictures of Scrappy I want you to know a little about him.  He is a Rex Rabbit, also know as a velvetin rabbit because their fur literally feals like velvet.  I would not reccomend Rex Rabbit's to anyone who wants a very calm sweet bunny.  They are a little more flighty than other rabbits and rarely appear calm.  While there are many qualities that make me really enjoy Scrappy, he can nudge you really hard when you're in his way (it's cute), he can roll a ball from one side of the room to the other and he can investigate things like he's on a mission.  But he's NOT cuddly.  He's a rabbit that likes to come hang out by you but doesn't want to be petted a lot, a few is enough for him.  If you ever want a cuddly rabbit, you're better off going with a netherland dwarf.  They're naturally sweeter and MUCH smaller than most rabbits.


This is Scrappy and that's the same place he was for about twenty minutes...

Until, that is, he found out there was a carrot on the other side of that chair. ; )

From left to right... You can see the tail end of the nice baby.  Next to Mr. McBitey, the other baby.  Next to him is proud papa, Romeo.  And the bird taking flight it momma, Gollum.  You see slightly, that the babies are a little smaller than their parents.

This is a picture (not a good one obviously) of my favorite baby.  I'm calling her a female for now even though it won't be known for a few more weeks.  Her chest feathers are a much darker (more of a stormy blue) than those of the other three. 

Bird in front is mom, next to her is Mr.McBitey, next to him is Pretty girl and looking on from a lower perch is papa.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The birds are beautiful and Rex is very handsome.  Do you know, my rabbits won't eat carrots?  Wierd.  I'm loving the pictures.