Monday, November 19, 2007

Why can't life just be easy for a little while?  I can't remember if there was ever a time in my life where it all felt easy?  I feel like I'm always swimming upstream and never making any progress.  There are days I just wish I could stay asleep for a really really long time.  The only thing that keeps me from becoming so depressed that I just don't move at all, is my daughter.  Sometimes I feel like she's all I have.  My husband has become extremely passive aggressive.  It's one of my least favorite ways that people express themselves.  I'd rather you just came out with it than torture me with snide comments for months on end.  There are days when everything is made out to be my fault.  I wouldn't be surprised if I caused natural disasters as well.  I just want things to be ok for a little while.  It's funny because when I think about a lot of this past summer, I think about how much fun I had and how it was one of the best summer's I've ever had.  (aside from losing my dog) And now I feel like this coming year will be one of the worst ever.  There are days I just want to give up, crawl in a hole and die.


Anonymous said...

You come and stay with mommy.
Love you

Anonymous said...

Boy, do I know what you are saying with this one - perhaps different circumstances but I KNOW the feeling.  Wonder what is going on with hubby that he is acting out - that alone is difficult to deal with.  In a short time we'll both have a New Year to start with ~ perhaps, just maybe things will be better for us in 08' than they were overall in 07'.  Let's hope so huh.  

Anonymous said...

Somehow these months bring out the worst in people. That in itself is no excuse to treat someone you love badly. The snide remarks to me are mean. I agree with you if you have something on your chest, by all means unload it, talk about it so you can put it behind you. I wish I knew why your husband found it so easy to belittle and be cruel. I can almost guarantee you he wouldn't like being treated the same. Perhaps before the holidays boil over, sit him down and tell him how you feel. Warn him one time and one time only, if he continue's he will get the same treatment. It'll wear thin after a while.

I'm keeping you in my thoughts and prayers on the smoke that things will get better. (Hugs) Indigo