Saturday, November 10, 2007

Flew the coup

I just came from the bird room and one of the little chicks decided to leave the nest!!!  I wasn't sure how it was going to work since mom seemed to be willing to feed them forever.  It was my favorite one that was first willing to brave the rest of their cage.  I took the other one out and put him on a perch, where he seemed ok but when I returned to the room, he was back in the box and a wee bit upset that he had been removed in the first place.  I think mom is going to stop feeding them soon so he's going to have to leave it eventually.  Dad seems so happy to finally be able to groom them.  All this time mom has only allowed him to sit outside the opening and give her food.  He's never, to my knowledge, been allowed in with them.  He was chirping at both of them and preening them while I was in the room.  I also need the last baby to get out of the box so I can take it out of the cage.  I know Gollum and she'll be back to making babies immediately if I don't stop her.  My poor female cockatiel, Violet, seems tramatized now.  Once she seen there were two new babies that appeared out of no where, she hid at the bottom of the cage and didn't come back up till I came in the room to scratch her head.  Poor girl doesn't know where the hell they came from. 

We're having such a flea problem right now.  I gave Savannah (the puppy) some frontline two weeks ago and she STILL has fleas.  I've never had that happen after giving them frontline.  The older dogs had been doing pretty good till recently.  Molly has been itching so bad that I had to make her leave the room last night because she was keeping us all up.  I gave her frontline today but it's the smallest dose they have for up to 22lbs.  She's a flat coat retriever and closer to 50lbs.  I hope it might help a little though.  We just don't have the money to go out and unexpectedly have to buy frontline for seven dogs.  (and of course, due to the differences in weight, we would have to buy all three sizes) So I may order some capstar and give that a try along with spraying the house.  Don't fleas get better towards winter? 

It was a little more chilly last night than it has been for a while so I took out some hot hands packages to the cats.  It was the best I could do at the time.  At least it's not quite as chilly in their house as it is outside.  We're supposed to have 60's for the next few days.  It'll probably be the last time it's that warm until next year. 


Anonymous said...

The activity with the birds sound really cool - poor dad, only allowed to do the work and not enjoy the kids, LOL.  As for the fleas, they should die outdoors after a frost or two but if the dogs are inside the fleas they have most likely won't die.  I buy my Frontline through a place in Australia, the prices can't be beat and they offer free shipping (  I would think with the frontline they should start dying soon.  Try a can of the frontline spray...put it on the dogs *make sure it is puppy safe* and spray the carpets and everything.  Maybe that will help.

Anonymous said...

I buy my Heartguard for my golden retrievers from  They have wonderful prices on everything!  Much better than the vets office.

Anonymous said...

Sorry about the flea problem. Every time we have a new batch of kittens or have to nurse one of the outside cats inside we end up having to deal with fleas. I found a spray that you can spray on the carpets and furniture. It works wonders , usually takes a couple of tries but the results are almost instaneous. The brand is Zodiac "Advanced Indoor Insect Spray". They use this stuff in kennels too. As for having fleas in the winter. Outside they die out. Inside your home it's still warm so they still breed and continue tormenting the animals. Hope this was some help.(Hugs) Indigo

Anonymous said...


Fleas sort of hybernate in winter, if it's cold enough and their back again come spring. In Southern Calif. we have them year round. I use Aadvantge or Frontline  on the indoor cats. The thing is flea's  like to live on other surfaces like carpets and such. They are really hard bugs and hard to get rid of. Plus the often hop a ride on shoes to travel from outside to indoors. I also found out that using some eucaplyptus oil, about 2-3 table spoons mixed in a 16 oz spray bottle with hot water,  works great for carpets, furniture, doorways, outside steps. Flea's hate the stuff with a passion. I think it'a pure gold!
