Saturday, November 17, 2007

It's Just One of Those Days

Ah, my day SUCKED.  You ever have days when you feel like gunning down anyone in your path?  Granted I wouldn't actually hurt anyone but I FEEL like it.  Anymore, it seems like everyone in this college town, particularly the ones in their 20's, think they own everywhere they go and that everyone else should bow to them and let them through.  I started off the day with not enough sleep.  Not a good way for me to EVER start a day.  I'm short tempered enough without a lack of sleep.  I was at the mall with my daughter and my mom, we went into the pet store (not to buy, I never buy ANYTHING from pet stores).  The first stop was a quick one.  I like to look at the ferrets and a young, extremely rude girl who actually was cussing at one of the girls that works there, was in my way so I opted to leave.  We walked through the mall, just browsing.  Now, walking with a 2 year old is slow going and it's not gonna get much faster when you try to trample my child.  More likely, you will end up in serious pain and no longer in the mood to shop.  Just go the hell around and get OVER it.  Someday you may be the one with a kid and you wouldn't want people squashing her.  This one is ESPECIALLY for the six foot tall guys who look like they're too cool to look where they're going.  Your smile is not going to charm me and your apology will not pacify me.  When it comes to my daughter I am very protective and will lash out at you for very little reason, even the fact that the way you looked at her offended me. (no I'm NOT kidding) I once bitched out a girl at a local restaurant for complaining to the person she was on the phone with that she couldn't hear them because of some baby.  It was MY baby and she was laughing.  I don't remember her voice going above library tones after that.  I don't find myself intimidating but others must as they usually back down.  Eventually, Jasmine realized she didn't get to visit with the rabbits while we were at the pet store, so I went back to try and make amends.  The same bitchy girl was there, only now she had finally picked a small lion head rabbit to take home.  (and probably drop off at a shelter later as she, herself joked about the impulse buy and then made it obvious that she has no idea what to do with a rabbit) After looking at rabbits, I made my way to the ferrets.  This pet store is not set up well for traffic.  The small animals are kept in a circular area in the center of the very crowded store and there are several displays close to the animals.  Jasmine is small, she doesn't take up much space.  I removed my favorite ferret and let Jasmine pet him.  While we were kneeling on the floor, bitchy girl needs to get through (and apparently can't walk her lazy ass around the display, she MUST walk through us) and the first time she says excuse me but there's not much feeling to it.  The next time she says nothing and the third time, she says excuse me towards my daughter VERY rudely.  I said nothing to her at the time but if I had to do it over again, I don't think it would've went so well.  Also, the girl she cussed at earlier, is now the one she has to deal with to pay for the rabbit and cage.  I don't blame the cashier for being less than friendly with her.  She's worked there a long time is normally very nice but what the bitchy girl said was WAY over the line and bad enough that I don't feel I should repeat it here.  I try not to use the F-word in this forum.  Eventually we left and went on our way to get something to eat.  At most the of the restaurants that I go to, there is a waiter/waitress that knows me and my husband quite well so even on the busiest nights, I don't worry about the wait to get seated.  ; ) Leaving the restaurant, someone parked extremely close to my car, making it difficult for me to back out quickly.  On top of that, there was an SUV behind me, who was nicely allowing me to back out while he waited.  As I was backing out of my space, a girl was starting out of hers and made it out faster and somehow seemed to think that if she pulled forward towards my car, that I would magically move faster or be transported out of her way.  (I HAD the right of way here) When it didn't work that way, she got angry, started pointing at me and cussing.  Now, it's not been a good day up to this point and I feel it's important to add that I normally don't get road rage.  I retorted with many things that I won't repeat here but I KNOW she read my lips and flipped her off.  Of course, I ended up beside her car for the next three miles till we parted ways.  For her being in such a hurry, she still had to wait for the SUV behind me and I, driving the speed limit, still made it out ahead of her.  I have NEVER wanted to hurt a complete stranger like that before.  It would not have went well had my daughter not been with me, I was THAT pissed.  Later in the night, I was with my husband and I was driving again.  We were in a 55 and the guy in front of me with his brand new (bought TODAY) mercedes was going 35.  Yes, I was riding a little closer than I should've been but until he started going RIDICULOUSLY slowly, I wasn't aware that I was that close.  I wanted to hurt him too but only his nice shiny new vehicle.  My husband said nothing and told my daughter to hush when she told me to watch my mouth because mommy was scary right now.  haha My blood pressure is still up as I write this.  Seriously, strangers don't normally annoying me to this extent but today was just one of those days. 

As Fred Durst put it,

Its just one of those days
When you don't wanna wake up
Everything is f-ed
Everybody sux
You don't really know why
But you want justify
Rippin' someone's head off
No human contact
And if you interact
Your life is on contract
Your best bet is to stay away mf-er
It's just one of those days!!


Anonymous said...

I know how you feel ~ I have days like that.  If someone says they don't they are lying!!!!  I hope tomorrow is better for you.

Anonymous said...

I have days like that........I try, seriously try not to recipocate the same rudeness back. But Doc will tell you when I get angry, I don't need to raise my voice. He said you get this look in your eyes and people back away. I usually have Pickles with me when I'm out. It's kind of hard to miss her (You should see the heads turn when we go into a restaurant), yet there is always some idiot ready to run her over. She's a Blk Lab, Husky mix. Not a small dog by any means. Doc once pushed a woman's cart off to the side, she was heading straight for Pickles and would of smashed her head on. The thing that pissed us both off was, she was on her phone. If she had been paying attention she would of seen where she was heading. I don't think it would of made a difference if she was a dog or a child.

I get snotty remarks all the time about having a working dog with me. You should see the looks of shock when I set them straight, it helps to be able to read lips rather well. (Hugs) Indigo