Tuesday, November 27, 2007

No good Deed

Why is it when you have a good day, it all goes wrong?  Why does no good deed go unpunished?  Just a half hour ago I was smiling, and singing Christmas carols, now I'm crying and wondering what the hell I'm going to do.  I literally have 20 dollars to my name.  We just put insurance on the car we bought from my mom and that took the money for the week.  I go out to give the cats fresh water tonight and noticed that Jake is squinting.  He wouldn't let me look at him outside so I brought him in to get a better look.  His eyeball has blood in it and his third eyelid is covering most of his eye.  I have no problem having a one eyed cat, I have a problem with how much it will cost to make him a one eyed cat.  I know from past experience that this is what will need to be done, the sooner the better.  He's also got a cold, which will spread to the rest of my cats within a matter of 24 hours but I don't have an extra cat box right now to separate him from the indoor cats, nor do I have extra cat litter.  I don't even know what to do right now.  Why can't these animals stay healthy for a while?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to hear about Jake's eye - amazing how our moods can go from up up up to as low as we can go.  Keep us posted on him.