Wednesday, November 21, 2007

My silly Jazzy girl

No, she has never seen the movie Home Alone.  I just told her to put both her hands up and this is what she came up with.

Another one, she seems a little more dramatic here, could have something to do with showing off for daddy.  This is our guest bedroom/office.  It is being remodeled... ok so the remodeling process is taking more than two years but alas, money really doesn't grow on trees.  ; )

This was when she was starting to act like she was going to be sweet and cute.  This is the only picture with her hands up where she looks innocent.  haha

In a basket that she has been too small for for a very very long time.  But apparently, she thought if the rat can fit, so can I.

Classic Jasmine, her tongue is always out or her mouth is always wide open, as was the first picture.  She rarely aims for sweet when she knows she's getting her picture taken. 



Anonymous said...

She is really cute!!!

Anonymous said...

She is absolutely adorable, even when she isn't aiming for sweet. (Hugs) Indigo