Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree

With all that's been going on, I forgot to post that we'd gotten our Christmas tree this weekend.  We usually go the day after Thanksgiving but we were going with the couple in the previous post and they always do the black Friday thing so we waited till Saturday.  Rich told me it wasn't that cold when he walked in our house so I just grabbed my coat.  Had I known that I'd be freezing my ass off for an hour, I would've grabbed a sweatshirt.  We took the horse ride out to the trees and look for what seemed like forever.  Everything takes so much longer when you have a toddler with you, especially when it's the first time she's ever really gotten to play in snow.  Last year we ended up with a douglas fir but I ended up hating that tree because it fell over so many times and the needles were fairly sharp.  This time we were looking at frasier firs, which were the most expensive but also tend to hold their needles longest and aren't sharp in the least bit.  We looked at every frasier fir they had and none of them were the "right" tree so we went back up to the barn to get some hot chocolate and warm up a bit.  I was going to look at some of the other types of trees and consider them but on our way back, I noticed they had many pre-cut frasier's by the lake.  After getting a nice warm cup of chocolate, we made our way to the lake.  By then I was frustrated and cold and just wanted to go home so I was determined that one of these trees would be ours.  There was a family choosing between two trees.  They took the one I wanted.  I was disappointed and thought for sure none of the other trees would match up to that one.  Walking dangerously close to the very cold lake, I found the perfect tree, even better than the other one.  I told Shawn to grab it and I headed back to the car with Jasmine.  By then, Liz and Rich had already gotten their tree (also a pre-cut), a blue spruce and were tying it to the top of their car.  By the time we got home, Jasmine was passed out so I started putting some of the lights on it without her.  Before I knew it, they were all on and it was so much easier than last years tree.  I became so frustrated with last years tree that I took all the lights off and had my mom come over and help me put them all back on.  If we can afford it, next year we'll definitely go with the frasier!


Anonymous said...

Your tree looks great, the pic with the lights on is so pretty.  I don't get a real tree anymore.  I don't know what I'll do this year but I better do it soon.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jamie,

Beautiful tree!!!! Just wanted to let you know that part one of Junior's Tale has been posted at

I hope you'll enjoy  it.
