Monday, November 26, 2007

Santa Claus is Coming to town

Ever try giving a rat a bath?  It's like trying to bathe a REALLY small cat.  It was the first time my boys have gotten a bath and will be the last for at least a little while.  That was an awful experience for all.  I have scratches up and down my arms and two rats pouting.  Jasmine thought it was hilarious, of course, she was watching from the sidelines and not from the view I had.  That'll be the last time they go near the sink easily. 

I'm making one of the sugar cookie recipes that I'm looking at for Christmas.  They look good, smell good but who knows if they'll taste good.  I have never used shortening before so who knows if I measured it right or not.  They are supposed to stay fluffy and soft and not get crispy.  I think I'll also make some frosting for them after they cool.  (as long as I have enough vanilla left)  If they taste as good as they're supposed to, I'll post the recipe for anyone who wants to try their hand at them.  The other ones I'm going to try are cream cheese sugar cookies.  It only uses 3 ounces of cream cheese but because the batter is so sticky, you have to put it in the refridgerator overnight before you can cook them.  I definitely don't have enough vanilla to make those tonight so they'll have to wait till tomorrow night.  Most of these cookies will be going to work with my husband whether they taste good or not.  Well, I guess if they taste awful I probably won't send them with him.  I'd like to be known as a good cook.  ; ) Jasmine just tried her first one and she says they're yummy.  She's a picky kid so that's saying something.  I guess they're alright but they could use some frosting and more sugar.  Considering this is my first try at any sugar cookie, they were pretty decent.  Definitely needs frosting.

Wow, have you listened to some of the country xmas songs lately?  They're really starting to get hillbilly with it aren't they?  We have a station here that from midnight on Thanksgiving, till the day after Christmas, they only play Christmas songs.  It's a country station so there's a lot of country singers on it but they mix it up pretty good with the older stuff too.  A little Christmas music, the smell of sugar cookies baking, it reminds me of the holidays at my mom's house.  She bakes like a crazy person around Christmas time.  My husband's favorite is probably the peanut butter balls covered in chocolate.  I don't like peanut butter on anything besides crackers so I'm not a fan.  It depends on my mood as to which is my favorite.  She always makes fudge (which is sinfully good), sugar cookies and sometimes other things. 

There are days when I look at Jasmine and she's so cute that I want to cry and then a few minutes later she's being so bad that I want to throttle her.  I guess that's part of the terrible twos.  Well off to make frosting before Jasmine eats all of the cookies.


Anonymous said...

I cannot imagine what it must be liking trying to bath a rat....I've tried a cat and that was enough for me!!  LOL Jasmine was amused...maybe someday she will try it and remember laughing at you!!  I love sugar cookies...mmmmm - you would have to watch me too because I would join Jasmine and eat all the frosting when you weren't looking!!  :)

Anonymous said...

I cannot imagine what it must be liking trying to bath a rat....I've tried a cat and that was enough for me!!  LOL Jasmine was amused...maybe someday she will try it and remember laughing at you!!  I love sugar cookies...mmmmm - you would have to watch me too because I would join Jasmine and eat all the frosting when you weren't looking!!  :)