Friday, May 30, 2008

And you're gonna do what now?

Here it is 1:33 in the morning and my husband decides it's a good time to go frickin fishing.  Guess who is at home with Jasmine who will NOT go to sleep and has been screaming and whining for the last two hours?  Oh yeah that'd be me, the responsible parent, aka the ONLY parent.  I eventually called him and asked where he was in a very cool, controlled voice.  (my if-you-don't-get-your-ass-home-your-f'ing-dead voice)  I'm on the river is his best response and doesn't know when the friend he came with plans on going home.  Well, guess what he plans on going home NOW.  Because if it was HIS wife calling bitching HIM out... he would've been gone so fast his ass would've caught fire.  If it gets to 2:15 and he's not home, I will LOSE it.  I may only be a little pregnant but I have full on raging hormones that want to castrate and then kill just about any man I come into contact with.  He seems to think that his life will be made easier if he avoids me as much as possible till the happy, glowing pregnant person comes home.  All it's doing is make me want to castrate him MUCH slower than nesscary and then do all kinds of unspeakable horrible torture.  I'm hungry, I'm tired and I'm pregnant, how much more trouble could he be asking for by going out fishing?  S.e.r.i.o.u.s.l.y.  And now I think Jasmine may be going to sleep which will piss me off more because he is going to come home and go to sleep.  Which he probably would've done even if she was awake because as I said before, I'm the responsible parent.  Most of the time I'm the only parent.  When my husband parents, it's a constant bitchfest directed at our daughter.  Don't do that, put that down, etc.  Which I do too but not all the time.  Once and a while, leave her alone and let the kid, be a kid.  I'm going to end this now because if I don't, I will bitch about my husband till my fingers won't move any longer.


Anonymous said...

Hi Jamie,
Sheesh ... not a good time to go fishing.  Out fishing at 1:33 a.m.?  What next, bowling at 3:30 a.m.?  Anyhow, glad he went home and hope it all worked out in the end.

Anonymous said...

You know my last comment about making me happy I've decided not to experience are now making me happy I missed the years after that too!  Awww, just kidding, kind of.  I don't like anything to interupt my sleep though.  Most women are the responsible & only parent.

Anonymous said...

You are just going to have to tell him how it is. That you need help, especially now that you are pregnant and there will be two children. Hopefully he will listen, I hope so. kelly