Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Tummy says grrr

When I was pregnant with Jasmine, I gained 65lbs.  (I immediately lost 30lbs. the day after she was born... water weight)  It was my first pregnancy so I thought 'Hell, I'm pregnant I get to eat as much as I want and whatever I want.'  I don't want to gain that much with this pregnancy.  And yet, I cannot stop eating.  An hour after dinner, my stomach will be growling and bitching for more food.  Instead of putting small amounts of food in it, I load up on anything that sounds good at the time.  Every night, I tell myself tomorrow will be different and I'll have more self control.  Then tomorrow comes and my tummy takes control of my brain.  I don't know how much I've gained to this point but I'm pretty sure it's been a couple of pounds.  (although at times it looks like you can tell I'm pregnant, it's pregnancy bloat damnit... a few hours later I look completely without child)  I can't possibly eat like this the rest of my pregnancy.  I will weigh more than the last time.  Thankfully, it only took a few months to take the majority of the mommy belly away but it took over a year to get rid of the weight on my legs.  On another note, if I don't get a call from my OB tomorrow telling me I have an appointment, I'll be calling them myself.  You see, my insurance is stupid.  I can go to my OB every year for my regular stuff.  I can even make an appointment for non-regular stuff (pain, etc.) and everything is fine with them.  But if I find myself to be with child, I have to go to my regular MD and have him make a referral to my OB.  I already had him do the referral but they seem to be slow to getting me an appointment.  I don't like to wait.  Especially when I feel like crap.  I want to go to my OB and complain for a while like most pregnant women get to do!  Well, I'm off to read a chapter or two in my book and go to sleep.  I need to set an alarm so I can get my sunflowers planted before they die in their little cups. 


Anonymous said...

I did the same thing with Skye when I was pregnant. I was down to a size 2 by her first birthday. I think once your talk to your OB he might be able to recommend healthy food that will curb the appetite some. (Hugs) Indigo

Anonymous said...

Hi Jamie,
Sounds like your body is telling you to eat ... and you're probably smart for listening!

Anonymous said...

65, and you are so small!!!  Hey, go for'll lose it after the baby is born.