Tuesday, May 6, 2008

A little crazy goes a long way

I can't believe I have yet to post this story.  I'm not sure if it will be as funny on here as it was at the time but you will get the gist.  A few night ago, me, the husband and Jasmine went to dinner at Logan's.  After a little while an older couple came in and sat across from our booth.  I had been people watching and noticed the look in her eye when she would look at the man that was with her.  We proceeded to eat our dinner but all through I would glance at this couple.  Eventually, even Jasmine was watching them and I said to her, you noticed to huh?  My husband wanted to know what I was talking about and I said, just a minute.  I then leaned over (I FREQUENTLY talk to strangers just because I feel like it... it's a newer habit) and asked if they were married.  She said no but they would be in three weeks and then asked why I wanted to know.  I said because she had that "look" in her eyes when ever she would look at him and they were either really lucky (being in love that long), in a newer relationship OR that they were both married but to someone else and having an elaborate affair.  Ohmigod, I thought my husband was going to spit tea all over me.  His face immediately turned red.  The woman by the way thanked me for my comment and said she was so glad that it showed in their faces and she glowed the rest of the dinner.  My poor husband's face stayed red until we were safely in the car.  They were a very nice couple (another thing I noticed is that she was extremely polite to her waitress) and we chatted on and off throughout both of our dinners.  As I've gotten older, I have become extremely honest in my comments to people.  Now I'm not going to suddenly exclaim in the middle of a store that "You know, those jeans do make your ass look huge."  But I have become known to say what's on my mind.  It's a trait that I like in myself and don't really mind if others don't.  It's also a fun thing to use to embarrass my husband.  You see, I don't embarrass easily, at all.  And then I'm the one that embarrasses myself.  There's little you can say about me, in public or private that is going to turn my face red.  There's only one time in the almost nine years that my husband and I have been together that I even remember turning red and it was a few weeks ago.  My mom will easily recall this event and I don't think I will EVER live it down.  We had just picked up one of the dogs from the vets office and since Glory Jeans is two doors over, I thought I'd pop in for a coffee.  Now, at this point and time, the window on the driver's side of my car, didn't roll down easily.  It would come off the track and you would have to maneuver it down with your hands, while pushing the down button.  I prefer to use the drive thru rather than walk my lazy butt inside so I stopped in the middle of the parking lot, parallel to the building to try and get the window down.  My mom made a comment that it must look pretty ridiculous from outside the car and I'd better hope no one is watching because it looks like I'm stuck.  No sooner do those words come out of her mouth than I notice a waitress coming out of the bar across from me.  She's obviously saying something to me but again, hello, window won't go down so I open the door.  She says are you ok?  I said yeah why?  She said ohmigod we all thought you were stuck inside your car and we were wondering if you couldn't get out.  Yeah, THAT turned me red.  I'm imagining a bar full of people talking about the nutcase in the parking lot and then the waitress goes in to tell them the woman was just trying to get a coffee.  I decided to walk in to get my coffee rather than try to get the window down anymore.  My mom laughed till I thought she was going to pee herself.  I was still red when I got inside Gloria Jeans but it was all I could do not to laugh while placing my order but then I thought I'd look like a nut for a whole other reason in a whole different store.  Like I said, I usually embarrass myself.  Probably to a point that I've gotten so used to it that it doesn't bother me.  I will change clothing in the middle of a parking lot without so much as a blush.  My mom hates it.  When we went to Ohio, I realized when we got there that my clothing wasn't appropriate for the weather so I grabbed a different shirt out of the trunk and changed right there in the car.  All the while with my mom saying she hoped that someone walked by, even though that really wouldn't have embarrassed me.  That doesn't mean I like to walk around naked or anything but I had a bra on that covers more than most bikinis. 

I also tend to get songs stuck in my head... sometimes for days on end.  It's really difficult to fall asleep at night when you have the latest stupid pop song on repeat.  (and I don't listen to pop music)  You want to change the station but it seems like every station in your head is playing the same song.  Last night it was Benny and the Jets by Elton.  We'll see what it is tonight.  It seems like when something happens, I always end up with a theme song in my head as if in a movie and the appropriate song always comes along for the moment.  A friend of mine has this same problem but he has ADHD to the extreme so it really gets on his nerves when it happens.  At least I like Benny and the Jets but I didn't want to wake up with it still on repeat in my head first thing this morning.  Ok, that's enough of my crazy for one day.  You only get it in small doses.


Anonymous said...

We are so alike. I notice things about people that others wouldn't. Part of it I believe is because I hear with my eyes now, details I see give off sounds and certain atmosphere to a conversation. Doc is forever surprised when I point something out to him. I've also gotten a lot less shy with Pickles. It's kind of hard not to be the center of attention when you walk into a restaurant with a dog in tow. I don't think we ever get through a meal without someone starting up a conversation asking about her and my deafness (good thing I got over bringing my lack of hearing to the forefront). Perhaps it's because we're intuned to animals we notice certain things about humans more. (Hugs) Indigo

Anonymous said...

I'm opting for the married to others & having a torrid affair....or else they are just extremely lucky to be that in love for that long.  Yeah, call me a skeptic.