Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Aw, hell

Today pretty much sucked.  I was up on and off all night.  Jasmine kept waking up (briefly) telling me her ankle her.  She also insisted on sleeping with her head on my tummy.  I had to get up six times to pee.  (thanks to her big head pushing on my bladder)  I also woke up and called to make an appointment with my doctor for the dizziness, only to find that I can't get in to see him till Thursday.  (I don't usually have to wait that long)  Eventually we were up for the day and I just didn't feel right but things still have to get done.  Me and my mom made plans to go get some dinner so I began to get ready.  I was almost ready to go when all of the sudden I just started throwing up.  I barely made it to the kitchen sink.  The entire time I was pregnant with Jasmine, I never threw up.  My mom didn't throw up when she was pregnant with me or my brother.  I really wasn't expecting it, no matter how awful I've been feeling lately.  My least favorite thing to do is to throw up and while it's happening, I'm very... vocal about it.  Jasmine says I have a bear on my back because it sounds as if I'm being attacked by a wild animal.  It was one of the reasons I very quickly figured out the "correct" (slow) way to drink when I was younger.  I took a phenegren and headed out the door to my moms.  I was able to eat dinner but had to stop frequently and hope that my stomach stayed down.  Once we got back to my mom's house, I started to feel really sleepy from the phenegren that I had taken earlier but I was also having the WORST restless leg syndrome that I've ever experienced.  It took me forever to get to sleep and then as soon as I fell asleep, I was woken back up.  It wasn't till I'd been back home for two hours till my legs started to feel somewhat normal.  I still feel like crap in general but at least I'm one day closer to my doctor's appointment.  I had the option of seeing the nurse practioner but honestly, I don't feel like she listens to any of my concerns so I'd rather just wait to see my regular md.  I just hope the throwing up was a one time thing.  I just want to get past this morning sickness.  I told my mom today that if I'd known how awful I was going to feel this pregnancy, I wouldn't have gotten pregnant. 

Husband fixed the toilet today so now it flushes without any help from us.  At least that's one thing down.  Only a thousand more to go. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yuck, how awful you feel so sick while you are pregnant...and the whole time!  Maybe this time it will be different and it won't last the whole time.