Sunday, May 11, 2008

A dollar a day

Happy Mother's Day!


I have my Doodle girl back today.  My husband really wishes we could keep.  As do I but it's just not possible right now.  When her mom dropped her off, she cried.  I was concerned that she'd be making a five hour drive upset but she said she'd be ok.  As mad as I was at her bringing her back, I still felt bad for her as I watched her walk away.  Doodle's hair seems to have grown some since I last saw her in February.  It's got a little more wave in it now.  She was actually happy to see me.  After a few minutes at home, she settled back in nicely.  She likes to aggravate Monty.  She stinks her nose in his butt, which makes him growl and snap at her, then she runs away with a big dumb goofy grin.  She seems to think it's a great game.

Took this one tonight.

I had Monty groomed today.  He could've been better about it but then I knew it was going to be a fight.  The girl that does it, seemed to be busy so I offered to help her out.  She owns the business and does all her grooming out of an RV that is completely outfitted for a groomer.  (I can only imagine what it must have cost)  She doesn't make you come to her, she drives to you and does everything in your driveway.  Her RV holds 200 gallons of fresh water so she doesn't even need to hook up to anything.  It's really pretty neat.  While she was washing another dog, I was shaving Monty.  All I can say is at least he didn't need a muzzle.  By lending a helping hand, I may have gotten myself a part time job.  I don't want to get my hopes up and even if it doesn't pan out, it was still a nice surprise.  At first, I just left with a fresh Monty but went back to the RV to get some business cards in case I ever found someone who wanted a good groomer.  She said she was hoping I'd come back and wanted to get my information for when she needs help as I seemed knowledgeable and "good people."  And the dog looks pretty good now too!

The "new" Monty.


Anonymous said...

I wish I had the room to take the Doodle girl myself. She just looks like so much fun and silliness. Monty looks so much better since the last picture. It almost looked like he was showing off in the pictures. I hope the part time job pans out, it sounds like something you would love to do. (Hugs) Indigo

Anonymous said...

Hope you had a fantastic Mothers Day. :) I would growl too if someone stuck their cold wet nose up my rear! LOL! Monty looks very content in those pictures. :) Kelly

Anonymous said...

Doodle is a good looking dog.  Thats the black lab right?  Monty sure is getting handsome too!  Linda

Anonymous said...

Monty is adorable!!!  I wish you could keep Doodle too, she seems to love being with you guys.  My vet has an RV outfitted with all the necessary medical equipment (even an xray machine) that is why I always say "the vet was here".
It's so convenient.  I hope the job works out for you.