Monday, May 19, 2008

They're maniacs, maniacs

My favorite food is Mexican.  The one thing that makes me dry heave, is Mexican.  I thought maybe I only had morning sickness for a week or so and that it was over.  Then I had Mexican food for dinner and six hours later I was over the toilet wishing I could puke.  It's never immediately after eating the offending food but hours later.  It's happened several times now.  For now I guess I'm stuck eating whatever else is available. 

Savannah is at the vet's office.  She'll have surgery sometime in the midmorning hours.  She's being spayed.  I hope everything goes ok.  I hate having my dogs cut open which is probably why I waited as long as I felt comfortable to have the surgery.  (she would've had her first heat within the next two months)  I wish I could bring her home tomorrow but they won't let us pick her up till Tuesday.  I'll probably set her up a crate in the living room till she heals.  I want to be able to keep an eye on her.  My poor puppy is probably scared to death. 

The kittens are doing well.  They are more social than when I brought them home.  I wish, however, that they made pacifiers for kittens.  They whine and meow constantly.  I can't believe I named all these sissy kittens after outlaws.  They are, Jesse, James, Belle and Starr.  They only stop meowing while they are chasing eachother through the house like maniacs, otherwise they cry... even when they're sleeping on your lap.  Their eyes open for even a second and they meow.  It's like having an infant that won't stop crying and you just want to scream what the hell do you want and I'll get it for you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL, crybaby outlaws!!!  I hope Savannah comes through her surgery fine.