Sunday, May 18, 2008

A day in the life of a toddler

Shawn woke me up when the directv guy got here since he needed to do stuff to the box in our bedroom.  I picked Jasmine up and went into the other bedroom and went back to sleep.  Eventually, Jasmine got up and went out with her daddy.  A while later, I got woken up by my frantic husband saying that Jasmine had shoved a tic tac up her nose.  She's screaming.  And I mean s.c.r.e.a.m.i.n.g.  It obviously hurt and I was starting to freak out because she was screaming in a way you would expect if someone had just removed her arm.  I had my husband call my mom, who I eventually told to come to my house.  After Jasmine calmed down, we called urgent care and they said it would dissolve on it's own (if it hadn't already) but we should call the hospital line and make sure.  They told us to bring her in because leaving it in longer could cause it to swell around the tic tac and make it more difficult to get out.  I asked my husband 'you did tell her it was a tic tac right?'  After much back and forth, I eventually decided not to take her.  She wasn't in any pain anymore and I honestly, at that point don't think it was there any longer.  (I think she snorted it straight into her tummy with all the crying)  She's seemed fine ever since, only asking occasionally what happened to the tic tac up her nose.  I really hope we don't have to deal with that again.  Afterwards, I had to run to Motherhood Maternity and return a pair of jeans I had just bought the day before.  I grabbed them off the shelf that said twenty bucks and didn't realize how much they actually cost me till my money was already gone (debit card) and it was closer to fifty.  I don't pay that much for jeans when I'm not preggo, I'm not paying it when I am.  Really, I'll only wear the jeans for several months, then they'll be in a box till (or never if my husband has any say) the next pregnancy.  Unfortunately, this place doesn't take returns.  They only exchange.  She asked if I wanted a gift card on the remaining amount.  Well, gee, I can just give you the other twentyor I could use it towards future purchases.  Hmmm.  So now I have a gift card that I don't know when I'll use.  The only reason I went there at all (all their stuff is over priced) was because of their secret fit jeans which don't look anything like maternity jeans and are super comfortable.  Afterwards we had dinner at Fridays.  Thankfully, uneventful.  Once we finished eating, hubby asked me what I wanted to do so I told him to drive past the movie theatre and see what was playing.  The Chronicles of Narnia (the second one) was playing so I thought we'd take Jasmine to see it.  She was all excited and ready to watch it.  We got up to buy our tickets and the girl tells me no kids under 7 after nine.  Great, now my kid is going to kick and scream for the next hour.  We went to the movie theatre I swore I would never go back to.  I don't know why all the idiots end up there but they do.  It's the people that every time something happens on the screen, they have to yell, clap or tell them not to run up the stairs.  I cannot stand those people.  Is it really so hard to shut up through a two hour movie?  There were less there than usual but there was still talking and clapping.  I'm like the movie is pg, not a whole lot of life changing moments in a pg movie.  Shut Up.  We won't go back there.  The other place that wouldn't allow my extremely well behaved 2 year old to watch a movie, will be getting a very well written letter telling them how disappointed in them I am that they choose to punish everyone.  In an industry that is dying, you would think they would be a little more accommodating.  I could see if I was taking her to an adult movie, but it's a kids movie.  You EXPECT to see children at a CHILDREN'S movie. 


Anonymous said...

I can't recall stuffing anything up my nose except a finger and maybe another type of large object to hang out of it to look funny...  That movie theatre is stupid.  Both of them sound that way actually.  I very rarely run into rude people at our theatre, mostly just loud popcorn munchers.  That drives me BATTY!  Linda

Anonymous said...

Hi Jamie,
Hmmm ... now every time Jasmine says she wants a Tic Tac, you can say she already has one.  Actually, the whole episode you described reminded me of the time my little sister put a bead up her nose.  She just turned to me and said "Look what I can do ... I'm Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer!" and she shoved a bead up her nose.  It got stuck and we rushed to the doctor, who ended up squeezing her nose very hard to get it out.  It sounds strange to describe it now, but it was pretty scary at the time ...!

Anonymous said...

I got a good laugh out of the tic-tac funny she asked where it went!  I have not been to a movie theatre in 25 years.  I hate theatres, I can't stand the thought of sitting in those dirty seats (the germaphobe in me can't handle it) and I cannot tolerate any type of noise when I am watching a or child...if it is noise I am irritated.  Yeah, I would think you would find children at a childs movie.  I sound like a grouchy old lady don't I?  tee hee...there are some elements of truth to the "crazy cat lady" I guess.

Anonymous said...

We dont even go to the movies anymore. Costs too much, and like you said, have to deal with other people. When we see something we want to see advertized Ian says, "Cant wait for it to come out on Netflix! " lol Congratulations on your pregnancy. You are going to be one busy woman, like your not already! ;) Kelly