Wednesday, June 18, 2008

30 Days

Watching 30 Days, which is one of my favorite shows to ever air.  Today's is having a hardcore hunter move in with a vegan family, one of whom works for PETA.  I already don't like this man.  He says "Deer are food, if they're not food for me, they're food for the front bumper of your truck" It's so unbelievably hard for me to watch this.  I am so hormonal and I am just balling watching these animals.  You know it's going to be brutal when PETA is involved in any way shape or form.  It's just really hard for me to watch animals be harmed.  And it's really hard to watch someone talk about it like they don't feel it.  "I've seen a deer get shot, with a fatal shot and keep eating."  I don't get how someone can say that and laugh about it.  I have no problem with people hunting any animal that is impossible or difficult to get in the store, within reason.  I don't see a reason to hunt wild turkeys when you can go to the store and get it there.  To me, it's like the turkey at the store died for nothing and you went out and killed another animal instead.  The only thing I like about this guy is that he seems to have some what of an open mind.  He honestly wants to understand why we feel so strongly about animals and their pain, their rights.  I don't think my husband even understands how strongly I feel on the issue of hunting.  I told him, if he were to ever go out and even attempt to shoot an animal, I would never look at him the same again.  I just couldn't.  And then if he killed an animal.  I don't know if I'd ever get over it.  I just couldn't deal with it.  I know a lot of people who raise their own livestock so that they can have them slaughtered KNOWING, that animal lived a good, kind life and their death was quick and painless.  I eat meat and I really wish I were able to do that.  I get attached to any animal though and I just couldn't have my little fluffy hen or farting spotted cow killed and then eat it.  I wish I could, at least then I'd know where it came from and that it was treated humanely.  Back to the show, this guy says that all animal rights people do the same thing, try to shock you.  Yes and there's a reason for that.  It's one of the few things that really gets your attention.  I think the problem he's having is that these animal rights people are coming straightout and saying you're wrong.  You can't expect to get some one to open their minds if you continue to keep your's closed.  You have to at least try to understand where another person is coming from, even if you don't agree with them.  He has been far more understanding with those who try to understand where he's coming from as well.  Now he has actually seen one of these factory farms and is obviously bothered by it.  It just goes to show that if people really opened their eyes and saw what was happening to their dinner, they would speak up.  Now don't get me wrong, I don't see this guy going vegan at the end of the show but I do think he may just put a little more thought into where his food comes from and how it's treated.  I don't believe we will ever be without meat but wouldn't it be nice if our dinner had been treated with care and a little bit of respect before it's life was ended so short?  He is really more open to anything that has to do with dogs in particular.  They took him to a shelter and watched them choose a dog that had to be euthanized.  "The thought of killing that one dog, is probably one of the most difficult things I've felt in my life."  Wow, just wow.  He is actively out there talking to people against wearing fur.  WOW.  I didn't see him make this big of a turnaround.  When he first got on the show, he wouldn't even touch a bird and now he's holding chickens for children to pet.  I'm not sure how his wife will feel about him painting naked 20 something girls for a protest but hey, he's a little more informed now than he was 30 days before.  "Have I changed?  Who couldn't change?  I had to change.  I am going to hunt when I get home but I believe the animals have rights."
Next week on 30 Days, a traditional mom moves in with a gay couple raising a son.  You know I'm already on the side of the gays on this one.  And if you didn't know, you do now.  I'm for gay marriage, gay relationships, raising children etc.  If it's wrong to love someone just because of their sex, well in my opinion feeling that way is wrong.


Anonymous said...

I am not pro or con hunting.  I do believe that there is a place for responsible hunting.  I don't like hunters that kill just for a trophy.  But the guy or gal who is out there putting meat on the table I don't mind.  There are some areas in the Northeast where deer population is putting the deer at a risk for starvation, getting hit by cars and making home owners angry because deer are destroying their property.  Now I feel sorry for the deer because we are encroaching on their lands and pushing them out of it.  I do believe proper deer management is essential to keep the population under control.  There are also so many turkeys up here you see them daily just strutting around!  I do respect your opinions however.  I don't like the attitude of the hard core hunter you described.  Linda

Anonymous said...

Interesting entry, I didn't see the show but I most likely would have felt the same way you do/did.  We think alike and obviously I am not in favor of hunting or killing animals for any reason.  