Wednesday, June 11, 2008

No, drinking, I haven't been officer *hick*

I haven't been expecting my husband home till about 7 every night since he's been working overtime.  I was a little shocked to see him come home at 5 today.  Turns out they'd had a really long day and most of the over timers had decided to cut the day short and head to Dairy Queen.  After only being there a few minutes they noticed two police officers block my husband's car in.  Being as my husband isn't a criminal, they assumed they were just in a hurry.  Both officers came in and the male asked who owned the green car and my husband said he did and wanted to know why.  The officer said that my husband and his friends had been down the road smoking pot and they'd gotten complaints.  Ok, I had to stop myself from laughing at this point because I knew my husband was really pissed but if you knew him, you'd know how unlikely it is that my husband would be smoking pot ANYWHERE.  My husband said you're mistaken because I literally just left work and we came up here to get something cold to eat.  The officer continued to repeat himself over and over saying it was my husband and his friends.  This was done in front of the entire restaurant, which further managed to irritate my husband.  After my husband repeated that the officer was wrong and at one point in time asking if he had a hearing problem, the officer just left as if it never happened.  One of my husband's closet friends' brother is a police officer.  (a higher up police officer)  So of course my husband heads to the friends house to bitch and find out if there's any way to file a formal complaint against the officer in question.  (I don't honestly think he would've done it, he was just pissed at the time)  The brother said he could fill out a complaint but it was unlikely anything would be done.  (honestly, the cop didn't beat him for information or anything, just did what he was supposed to except for once, the person claiming innocence, really was innocent)  They (my husband and his friend) believe that the brother got off the phone with my husband and called the officer.  I felt badly because I was seriously holding back laughing at the thought of my husband just sitting on some road smoking a joint.  (which by the way, my husband doesn't even know where this road is... just causing me to further hold back laughing)  I'm just glad I wasn't the one in the car with my mom or something.  I would've been pissed about it later but when it happened I would've been so flabbergasted that I would've been speechless.  (in other words all those great comebacks would've stayed locked in my brain till it was too late to say them) 

I got Jasmine away from the tv for several hours.  We were outside for a while and then when we came in, I just flat out refused to put on Deigo or Little Bear.  (the two shows she is most obsessed with right now and just slightly less annoying than say Barney)  I'm allowing a small amount of it right now because we're getting ready to head to bed and I need a few minutes to feed the dogs.  The only way I'm going to get that is if she's glued to the tv.  A few months ago, I bought my husband one of those nice 1080i flat screen tvs.  (which I later regretted because I keep thinking of all the things that money could've went to instead of something to watch crap on)  Well, one of the times Jasmine was watching her shows, she managed to get it wet.  It was about an hour later that we found out that flat panel tv screens are NEVER be wet with anything.  The tv looked like hell for a while until we found some Clean Screen and it seems to have taken care of it.  It just goes to show, when you have small children and your wife says 'Hey I really think we should mount that on the wall', you should listen and not say you don't want to spend the extra 50 bucks. 

Food is the enemy right now.  If I get hungry, I feel like I'm going to be sick.  If I eat, I feel like I'm going to be sick.  I literally eat like a wild animal to try and get as much food in my stomach before it starts acting up.  (which isn't usually very much)  The one thing it's tolerating without problems, any kind of ice cream bar.  While I really like ice cream bars, I hear they're pretty high in fat and whatnot.  Plus, the only good thing in them is a tiny bit of calcium. 

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