Thursday, June 19, 2008


I had my nurses appointment at my OB today.  Basically, they ask you a ton of medical questions, some several times and ask if you have any questions.  It seems to take forever but at least there's nothing being stuck in any crevices.  When I got home, I flipped through the encyclopedia of information they gave me.  I got to the paper from the hospital and I'm not sure why I read through it.  It's not as if I haven't done the pregnancy/labor thing in the hospital before.  However, I didn't have another child.  One of the dissappointments for me was that no children under the age of 12 are allowed in the labor and delivery room, at all.  I was planning on having Jasmine with me as long as she continued to mature at the rate she is.  Now I have to figure out what to do with her while I'm laboring.  I also found that she isn't allowed to stay overnight with me and quite frankly, if I was given the choice of having Jas with me or my husband, I would choose her.  I've never spent more than a few hours away from her and I can't imagine an entire night, let alone two without her.  On top of that, my husband will probably have to go home with her and I'll be at the hospital alone.  I know I sound like a baby but I was literally freaking out the last time I had to stay in that place.  As if the walls were closing in on me.  *sigh*  I shouldn't be worrying about it already but here I am.


Anonymous said...

Hi Jamie,
Maybe someone else can watch Jasmine (Grandparents?) and your husband can stay with you?

Anonymous said...

I was going to suggest the same thing, perhaps your parents could watch her, so your husband can be there with you. I don't do hospitals well either. (Hugs) Indigo

Anonymous said...

I hope everything goes well, I'm sure by the time baby comes you will be more than ready to get to that hospital and get it done with!  Linda

Anonymous said...

I would pass out if I were to watch a birth.